Example sentences of "to [noun] and [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shah Jehan had now recovered from his illness and was able to move to Agra and join in the victory celebrations .
2 The difference between the fragmentation described by Braverman and that analysed by Stone is that the former came about in order to de-skill and control through Tayloristic practices , while the latter came about partly in order to create a range of jobs which could be formed into a job ladder .
3 So I had to go to Moscow and look for some plywood .
4 Ultimately , in May of 1568 in the 10th year of her reign , the Queen incorporated " The Governors , Assistants , and Commonalty for the Mines Royal " , reciting the Letters Patent granted to Thurland and Höchstetter on 10 October 1564 .
5 I am sure that it is perfectly possible for the hon. Gentleman to make a trip to Barrow-in-Furness and explain to the work force there what useful work is available for them .
6 NUMBER ONE : Once sister title to NME and rival to Smash hits .
7 Fly from Cairo to Aswan and transfer to the Nile Symphony .
8 cost of training interviewers ; supervisors are needed to give assistance to interviewers and check against possible interviewer dishonesty ; travelling and subsistence must be paid even when the respondent proves to be unavailable or uncooperative interviewers may leave or become stale
9 You should be aware that software licence agreements refer to installation and use on one computer only .
10 For Bolton Abbey ( open all year from dawn to dusk ) , start at the Abbey car park , go north to Simon 's Seat then walk over to Howgill and return on the banks of the River Wharfe .
11 This sounded entirely in character , and believing that the said Armstrongs were well able to find their own way back to Eskdale and look after themselves , Douglas ordered onward progress .
12 By examining the relationship between the rate of return on capital invested in various industries and barriers to entry and exit from such industries , it is possible to test the hypothesis that monopoly power results in excessive profits .
13 Equally , he wants to stress that the government should listen to industry and respond to its needs .
14 The reorganisation of the CNRS and other bodies is one facet of a major principle behind the government strategy : the researcher must be tempted down from his ivory tower to talk to industry and think about the needs of the real world .
15 Some people — old folks , especially — get like that : too attached to bricks and mortar for their own good . ’
16 The General Household Survey provides extensive data concerning three main aspects of social contact : visits from friends/relatives ; visits to friends/relatives and contact with neighbours .
17 From today pupils at the school conduct French lessons on a video link with France , map makers can talk to every house in the town , designers can move to Kington and work from home .
18 However , in statements after his election Polozkov appeared at pains to emphasis his loyalty to Gorbachev and support for perestroika , and to refute his reputation for conservatism .
19 At home the sudden switch from inflation and boom to stagnation and slump in a few months made changes in policy inevitable .
20 I informed Mr Kagan that I was something of a heretic so far as the minutiae of the Jewish faith were concerned ; on the other hand , I said , I had never concealed that I was a loyal member of the faith , and so I would be happy to have the boy to tea and talk to him about Judaism in general terms .
21 Coming up in a little while we 'll be talking greyhounds , but for now we 'll go back to football and deal with the local classified results with all the local leagues .
22 Everyone always wanted to talk to Lucy and listen to what she had to say , everyone was always looking at her .
23 He wanted them to go to college and learn to be businessmen .
24 Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , said yesterday that an indecisive result would delay recovery , lead to uncertainty and result in a second election within a year .
25 He was for going on at once , but I would stay ; so he said he would return to Mullinavat and wait for me in a bar there .
26 My father was therefore anxious to travel to Nairobi and discuss with the Governor measures to prevent these raids , as well as the possibility of delimiting the frontier and finding an answer to the demand by the Abyssinian Government for the return of the Boran and Gabbra tribesmen who had migrated in large numbers into East Africa after Menelik 's conquest of their homelands .
27 During 1902 Belle was able to return to Johannesburg and retrieve at least some of her possessions .
28 Would the Chancellor reconsider that decision because , when he next goes to the Duchy of Lancaster he may go to confession and admit to the untruths that are being told by his party in party-political broadcasts ?
29 Spring is here so it 's time to wave goodbye to winter and go for a splash of colour .
30 The Northern Arts ' Writers Awards 1992 will give two writers the chance to take off to Ireland and work on a literary project free from the distractions of everyday life .
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