Example sentences of "to [noun] [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The summer visitors to Trebetherick were generally the families of retired headmasters of minor public schools , of ex Indian Civil servants or of Harley Street doctors .
2 The regime 's tendency to conservatism was all the more serious because it coincided with huge socio-economic upheavals associated with modernization and the coming to maturity of the postwar baby boom .
3 However , the phenomenon which we wish to bring to light is not the same as that treated by Bach .
4 However the examples of planning exercises that come to light are usually the ‘ exotic ’ ones that so often feature in Open University case studies : Stantonbury Campus ; Countesthorpe College ; North Westminster Community School !
5 The last time I travelled from Wick to Dingwall was when the railway only reached as far north as Golspie ; the other portion of the road was an overnight stage-coach journey ; and to accommodate some ladies I took a seat on the top : it was a clear cold night , and the air was keen indeed .
6 The overall low significance correlation with adherence to programme is probably the unsurprising finding that projects which are technically successful at most stages tend to slip less than those which are not .
7 Above all the drift to a self-seeking , self-satisfying , self-fulfilling approach to relationships is where the rot is really setting in .
8 GOING to pubs is still the most popular leisure time activity in Wales , says a new Sports Council for Wales survey .
9 THE thousands of pounds to be paid in redundancy to miners is not the norm .
10 Having studied the text and read critical appreciations of it , my natural reaction to Satan is still the same as it was when he first appeared to me .
11 The decision to shunt so much radio exclusively to FM is not the BBC 's fault .
12 These three limits to structuralism are not the marks of failure .
13 This greener-than-thou attitude to nature is neither the traditional ethic of countryside husbandry , nor is it grounded in scientific ecology .
14 But as we know that MI5 taps telephones and keeps files on people simply to pass on political information to the government , one can assume that Kinnock 's call to Turnbull is not the only piece of politicised telephone tapping that goes on .
15 that the purpose of avoiding liability to taxation was not the purpose or one of the purposes for which the transfer or associated operations or any of them were effected ; or 2. that the transfer and any associated operations were bona fide commercial transactions and were not designed for the purpose of avoiding liability to taxation ( s741 ) .
16 In contrast to this emphasis of the New Testament writers , much of the stress on the Spirit today dishonours Jesus , tends to squeeze him out of the picture , and infers that allegiance to Jesus is only the lower reaches of the Christian life , the heights of which belong to the Holy Spirit .
17 IF RAGS to riches is still the American dream , William Casey lived his own version of it .
18 But the work also had to contend with three apses , and here it met with less success : in the apse to Orpheus 's right the panel is a poor fit , and throws out the meeting of the guilloche border of the main design with the north-western abutement .
19 But liberty to take action contrary to authority was not the kind of liberty that Anselm had come to Canterbury to promote .
20 A visit to Salcey is all the more rewarding and exciting if you manage to see even a few of its shy inhabitants .
21 Tidying up the mess and helping him or her to get to bed is not the best thing to do .
22 My attitude to life is probably the same as most people 's .
23 A basic sense of wonder ( a ) to foster their capacity for imagination which can give rise to vision , realizing that reality can be greater and other than it often seems — so that they appreciate that a flat two-dimensional approach to life is not the only option available ; ( b ) to understand that religious faith expresses itself in a variety of forms , many of which are close to the arts , and to realize also that religious language is mostly used in symbolic or metaphorical ways ; ( c ) to appreciate the emotional power of religious commitment and how this can be beneficial or harmful .
24 Inpatient waiting times have long been the focus of attention , but for many patients waiting to be admitted to hospital is just the tip of a ‘ waiting iceberg . ’
25 The problem of filling quotas to specification is probably the most severe disadvantage of a participant-observation study ; since the groups studied are self-recruited , the fieldworker by definition relinquishes control over choice of subject .
26 Turning , she hurried away to Susan 's where the Lennoxes , and the rest of their street , was waiting to be evacuated .
27 INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE , 1987 Nouvel 's greatest triumph to date was also the first of President Mitterrand 's ‘ Grands Projets ’ and subsequently became the first building in a Western country to receive an Aga Khan Award .
28 Some suggest that the value of BSRI androgyny to women is simply the value of masculinity .
29 Returning to London was not the cure .
30 Its position in relation to history is therefore the same as that of primitives to the eternal past : in Sartre 's system , history plays exactly the part of a myth .
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