Example sentences of "to [noun] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Jansons masterfully keeps the music 's internal momentum alive without any sense of undue haste , and although the allegro bustles energetically along , Jansons resists the temptation to tear Shostakovich 's occasionally violent texturing to shreds For once the Finale appears as a crowning inevitability , rather than merely a throw-away moto-perpetuo of staccato virtuosity .
2 By raising the awareness of returning nurses and health visitors of such important issues as professional accountability , new approaches to the learning process and the learning environment , the implications of research based care and the impact of new technologies in nursing , I hope that the book will help to facilitate a safe and knowledgeable return to practice for both the individual returner and her employer .
3 It contained his personal computer , which was linked to computers at both the Pentagon and the CIA headquarters in Langley .
4 With a much smaller baseload of night traffic it was no longer viable to retain separate services to Scotland on both the East and West Coast routes .
5 ‘ I went to Washington with only the clothes on my back . ’
6 … and how many flats have gone to blacks in just the last few years ?
7 The principal claim to greatness of even the popes themselves , before the mid-eleventh century , lay in their conduct as bishops of Rome , building churches , organizing poor relief , and resisting the attempts of every tinpot contender for the empire to dominate the city and its people .
8 However , they increasingly returned to work in both the public and private sectors once their children were in school , but tended to do so part-time ( see Manley and Sawbridge , 1980 ) .
9 In Ireland , Easons repeated its Diamond Collection catalogue , which it distributed through its wholesale division to booksellers in both the Republic and Northern Ireland .
10 ‘ is in a position to take steps under a programme arranged between the Canadian government and both Canadian national airlines for the provision of return air transportation to Canada for both the child and an accompanying adult .
11 Far better that its messengers take it only to plants of exactly the same kind where the genes it carries will unite with eggs and form seeds .
12 Those words , and in that order of priority , were included in the BBC charter ( and were passed on to ITV in much the same form in 1955 ) .
13 The chroniclers report the campaigns in muted terms , and give little impression of a will to war amongst either the nobility or the community generally .
14 The opening phase of the war , however , produced domestic difficulties and grievances not dissimilar to those experienced by Edward 's father and grandfather ; and it was only with the military successes and material gains of the 1340s that a change in attitude to war amongst both the nobility and the commons became apparent .
15 We need an approach that can come to grips with both the ecological and economic levels .
16 As outpatient clinics developed in local general hospitals , GPs started to refer patients to consultants in exactly the same way as they did for other medical specialties .
17 A statement that , to viewers from outside the north west of England , must have seemed bewildering .
18 Such developments , along with the continuing work of the International Committee of the Red Cross within the country , are welcome in themselves and also give some evidence that the Sri Lankan Government is responsive to criticism from outside the country .
19 But the deep grammatical structure of language , as revealed by Chomsky for instance , is not susceptible to criticism in quite the same way .
20 No two candidates will respond to questions in exactly the same way so you must keep a fair amount of flexibility in your approach — it would be wrong to stop a candidate from following up an interesting and potentially revealing answer simply because it is not coming at the designated point in your schedule .
21 It 's no guide because no two species react to substances in exactly the same way . ’
22 ‘ We are going to Liverpool at just the right time and there 's no reason for them to expect any favours from us . ’
23 In fact , it 's quite useful to expose him to people from outside the Unit , within reason .
24 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
25 The Association of Sexual and Marital Therapists specialises in helping couples come to terms with both the psychological and physical aspects of their relationships ( addresses on page 153 ) .
26 Recognition from educators and managers that such stress exists and is legitimate is a very important initial strategy in coming to terms with both the positive and the negative influences of stress .
27 The justification for applying this Figure to Mercury with roughly the same time scales will be made in Chapter 8 .
28 ‘ For several years householders have been very anti to anglers at both the Ham street and Ruckinge ends of the water , ’ said Robin Wadham .
29 Indeed , an important element in the BUF was provided by those who came to fascism from outside the traditional party spectrum and who had little or no previous political experience .
30 This makes the transitions less well defined and subject to jitter in rather the same way as a multivibrator will jitter if the initial approach to transistor turn-on is not rapid .
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