Example sentences of "to [noun] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The Cannon Coalridge 's new Power Flue option allows installation up to 4m away from an outside wall , and will also take in up to four right angled bends
2 Telephone exchange line rentals grew 5.5% to £2,233m mainly as a result of price re-balancing increases in September 1991 and January 1993 , and to a lesser extent due to growth in customer lines — there was a 1.8% rise in the number of residential lines and a 1.8% increase in business lines .
3 Well they can Erm so e e and and we ought to provision probably for a thousand .
4 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
5 Let's get back to courts just for a moment .
6 We talked to nutters frequently over a period of two years and some were ‘ interviewed ’ in a more structured manner .
7 In general you 're going to be paying £10 to £20 more for a fleece lined with Windstopper than a fleece lined or covered with some other material .
8 More than 100,000 people who live and work in the city are being called to action tomorrow in a bid to score a hat-trick of victories in the friendly fitness competition .
9 If Senna becomes champion , and to do it he must win in Japan and Australia , then Prost 's recent criticism of his treatment at the hands of Honda will immediately spring to mind regardless of a subsequent and rather naive document , signed by all sides and designed to give the impression that all is sweetness and light .
10 Dalglish will be welcomed back to Anfield tomorrow with a handshake from Graeme Souness , who will then aim to spoil his emotional homecoming .
11 It looked to Dot more like a skeleton in clothes than a father .
12 SDLP leader John Hume flew to Portugal today for a summit of the leaders of Europe 's social democratic and labour parties .
13 The bland slopes bordering and beyond the river , innocuous when seen from the train , abound in hidden secrets that yield to discovery only after a search for them .
14 The most vital thing is that the club is run from top to bottom just like a winning team .
15 One only has to read out their names — Sir Julian , Sir Geoffrey , Sir Michael and Sir Robin et al , to be transported back if not to Camelot then to an Excalibur lager commercial .
16 To qualify for money , the projects had to demonstrate that they were going to work effectively in a joint way .
17 Detective-Constable Barnes , large , rustic , intelligent and benign , put down his spade and went to work lovingly with a soft brush on the exposed uprights of the flue , whisking away loose , moist soil that abandoned its hold with revealing readiness .
18 Yeah I do n't say we do n't row , I do n't say we do n't argue and get on each other 's nerves , we do , but when he goes back to work now for a couple of days it 'll take me three or four days to settle down into not having him there .
19 Madonna and Jackson never have mixed — even professionally , though they were once set to work together on a duet .
20 Mr Yeltsin 's team was preparing to counter-attack today with a draft of a new constitution that would extend the presidential term from five years to six and give him a right of veto over parliamentary Bills and to pick a small team of state ministers .
21 Liverpool Ladies team travels to Blackpool tonight for a first round tie in the J.M. Rose Bowl .
22 To group interestingly in a unified design inactive figures ranged along a single base-line is much more difficult .
23 Stewart , signed by QPR at 14 , shot to fame overnight with a sensational winning goal against West Germany at Windsor Park 10 years ago .
24 Senior tutors offer information and advice to applicants both on an individual basis and on collective occasions such as visit and interview days .
25 FA CUP semi-final football returned to Hillsborough yesterday with a smile on its face and without a hint of serious crowd trouble .
26 A STUNNED Irish father flew out to Argentina yesterday on a dramatic mission to rescue his six-year-old daughter from the clutches of a bizarre sect .
27 This special status of a visitor springs from the common law recognising the right of the founder to lay down such a special law subject to adjudication only by a special judge , the visitor .
28 Even amongst the mountain of slate workings above Llyn Peris , the Rainbow Slab is unmistakeable , sitting as it does above the CEGB hydro-electric power station , flowing from bottom left to top right across an otherwise faultlessly smooth , purple-banded , blue-grey wall .
29 The ungrateful King , however , refused to part with the mares and Hercules returned to Troy later with a body of companions and destroyed the city .
30 A spokesman said while they accept they 've lost the copyright battle , they still intend to go to court again in an attempt to get the damages reduced .
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