Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] over a " in BNC.

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1 If the new inspection chamber is to be positioned over an existing clay drain , the difficulty is likely to be cutting into the existing drain .
2 Adult speech which contains a relatively high proportion of statements or declaratives has been associated with accelerated language development in young children , while studies of pre-schoolers have indicated that conversations are more likely to be maintained over a number of turns if adults make positive contributions by adding new information ( Wood et al .
3 The behaviour of privatised industries will have to be studied over a number of years before it is possible to conclude whether the ownership of the company ( ie private or public ) or the market structure ( ie competitive or monopolistic ) is the major determinant of corporate behaviour .
4 The government on Dec. 27 announced that negotiations with the United States aimed at allowing the withdrawal of US forces from Subic Bay naval base to be phased over a three-year period had broken down .
5 Now suppose that the strength acquired by A tends , for some reason , to be lost over a retention interval whereas that controlled by X is retained .
6 This will enable the distribution to be completed over a shorter period .
7 Furthermore measurement has usually to be made over a period of time .
8 In our sort of high-technology business , the high profits tend to be made over a fairly limited time , which in many cases appears to be getting shorter .
9 Doing it manually , it had to be done over a period of two or three days , fitting it in after work . ’
10 It 's typical of the states I get in here I suddenly told myself that the digging would have to be done over a number of days , the only stupid thing was to expect to do it all in one .
11 Where information , particularly of a detailed nature , is to be collected over a period of time the panel has clear attractions .
12 However , a report commissioned by the Economy and Exchequer ministries has called for logging concessions to be granted over a further 30 per cent of the country 's native forest .
13 As stated above , the samples of dementia sufferers were to be generated over a period of one year ( 1 April 1984–31 March 1985 ) ; and the development officers were to continue to provide their service for one further year ( until 31 March 1986 ) though no further sample members ( project clients in the case of the action sample ) were to be generated during the second year .
14 At the end of the day , there are experiences to be shared , new friends to be introduced and tans to be compared over a convivial drink .
15 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
16 Under the agreement , government and parastatal loans were to be repaid over a 20-year period with a three-year grace period , while commercial debts would become payable over 15 years with an eight-year grace period .
17 Debt due for repayment within two years could be paid within five years , and debt due to be repaid over a longer period could be paid within eight years .
18 Part of the explanation for this is that government spending tends to be planned over a number of years ( e.g. hospitals , schools , and other capital expenditures take several years to complete , and governments are reluctant to dismiss teachers , policemen , and other employees for short-term economic reasons ) ; consequently such expenditure tends to be fairly inflexible , especially downwards , in the short run .
19 In addition to exploring the influences upon arrears , this approach will allow the course of arrears to be traced over a period of time .
20 The Three were negotiating a trilateral free-trade zone to be implemented over a 10-year period , which it was hoped could be signed on July 1 .
21 In due course they will arrive in Safra to be offloaded over a beach and thence travel by road into the theatre of operations .
22 Broadly speaking , transformation into a common market was to be spread over a period of between 12 and 15 years , with a stepwise progression through stages of four years each .
23 These CDs cost more than the major company ones , but this is fair enough since the higher costs have to be spread over a smaller volume .
24 They usually have their own personal computers , they need to subscribe to technical journals and pay for ( relatively expensive ) training and familiarisation courses in order to update their skills , their work tends to be spread over a wider geographical area and the need for a car is greater .
25 It faced substantial protests , however , from water suppliers , notably in the UK ( see pp. 36903 ; 37159 ) and in West Germany , who objected that the massive costs involved would need to be spread over a longer period .
26 ‘ Whatever cuts we would finally have to make would have to be spread over a shorter period , ’ he said .
27 Business has to be discussed over a drink in the pub , with food quickly snatched at the bar , or an even more hurried lunch grabbed at your desk between meetings .
28 Another plan is for the new partners to be admitted merely on undertaking to contribute their share of the partnership capital , and this may either be raised by borrowing from a bank or insurance company ( with periodic repayments ) or be left to be paid over a period of years by deduction from their share of the profits .
29 The circular changed and allowed that joint finance money to be paid over a much longer period and virtually in perpetuity .
30 All Church properties such as schools , hospitals and cultural establishments , converted into state property by the communist regime , were to be returned over a period of 10 years .
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