Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In 1676 an arrangement was made with the widow of William Gape , a past Master of the Company , for plants to be transferred from her Westminster garden to Chelsea and work began on the building of a brick wall around the property .
2 They were suspended for not complying with an instruction to be transferred from their normal centres to handle emergency calls at the Waterloo control centre , said the London Ambulance Service .
3 If you want to save on a regular basis you can arrange for a fixed amount to be transferred from your Current Account into the Deposit Account every month .
4 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
5 Sam was about to be toppled from his ‘ throne ’ .
6 At once all the light and colour seemed to be drained from my surroundings .
7 It was now also common knowledge that the aircraft , once the Wasp was within range , were to be flown from its decks to the besieged island of Malta .
8 Dana made her intentions very clear and she was n't to be turned from her objective by the sight of Roman kissing Claudia .
9 ‘ She will never agree to be separated from them , not even for a moment .
10 at present good recruits often have to be chased to Bramshill [ on the lengthy command courses ] , because chief constables are not anxious to spare able men , and officers themselves are reluctant to be separated from their families and homes , as well as having a fear that they might lose from being ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ for promotion .
11 The chips have to be separated from their sockets without bending any of the pins and once removed they must be stored in an anti-static environment .
12 ’ You know , ’ he went on , ’ I often wonder what it must have been like before people 's working lives began to be separated from their personal lives .
13 It must have been awful to be separated from her children , as she and many other Jamaican mothers were .
14 ‘ The dowager-duchess , your lady 's mother , is in frail health at present and was reluctant to be separated from her only child . ’
15 When it was time for the foal to be separated from its mother , the friends took the foal but no longer visited Shamrock .
16 ‘ Certainly , ’ he said , ‘ it is hard to be separated from your first child .
17 Then the Administration wants the more closely watched federal funds rate that banks charge each other for overnight reserve borrowings to be cut from its long-standing 4 per cent to 3.5 per cent .
18 When you have worked through the sensations , looked at them from all angles and asked yourself why they have entered your life and what is to be gained from them , it is important to be able to let them go .
19 This approach will also be suitable for many of the courses and units in the second phase but , where colleges are developing courses in the same occupational area , there is much to be gained from their collaboration .
20 For some countries , like Greece , Portugal and Ireland , no doubt there will continue to be largesse to be gained from her , though for the time being even this is likely to be hard to come by , as Germany piles money into her eastern territory and focuses much of the rest of her financial attentions on her former Communist neighbours .
21 It follows that the parties ' legal advisors will require to study Hansard in practically every such case to see whether or not there is any help to be gained from it .
22 A good solicitor will tell you if the expenses you are likely to incur ( including the solicitors ' own fees ) will outweigh any financial benefit to be gained from your action .
23 The pharmacien came out from behind his counter , sat her down , removed her sandal with the tenderness of a foot-fetishist , examined her heel , cleaned it with a piece of gauze , stood up , turned to me gravely , as if there were something which really ought to be kept from my wife , and quietly explained , ‘ That , Monsieur , is a blister . ’
24 Any existing members who believe they qualify for this new rating category from the 1st May next should contact the Autocover staff at Frank Glennon Limited who will arrange for their premiums to be adjusted from their next renewal date .
25 But all the evidence to be gathered from his colourful career points to only one possible conclusion .
26 He was respectful but unalarmed when the King appeared and after a moment 's silence he chose to laugh at the likeness and the revelation that they were distant cousins ; indeed , so little was Rassendyll impressed that he noted that the King 's mouth lacked ‘ something of the firmness ( or obstinacy ) which was to be gathered from my close-shutting lips ’ .
27 ‘ Terrorism is to be condemned from whatever quarter and in an effort to do so the same rules of descriptive terminology should be applied to all victims , ’ Mr McMichael added .
28 At or about that time Rostern contained four who had to be moved from their holdings .
29 Captain Ken Emmott , speaking of G-BJHS 's future said that ‘ the aircraft will have to be moved from its present base at Southampton , where the conditions are not really conducive to keeping a large flying-boat in good condition ’ .
30 I thought that was a particularly er constructive day session , a lot of ideas came from it and I am sure that there will be a number of actions to be warranted from it .
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