Example sentences of "to [be] [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She was prepared to make sacrifices for it , but there seemed to be no way she could even begin .
2 ‘ There appears to be no danger whatsoever associated with radiation — hard or soft — from cathode-ray tubes .
3 You get the same kind of picture you can get with X-rays , with what 's reckoned to be no harm whatsoever .
4 Today , in the early 1990s there seems to be every possibility their taste for autocracy and power might persuade the police that secrecy should take on a new dimension , so that sedition could acquire new status as a deviance , while even the ‘ espionage ’ of ethnography could well become actionable .
5 Erm and we could offer this to the whole er er t to anyone who came to us and therefore be seen to be a church which was very accepting and outward going and missionary minded because all too often we hear ministers talking about erm using bapti baptism as an evangelical tool er c talk which I greatly resent and resist .
6 This seems to be a word which is used loosely the world over , but nevertheless can be seen to have five fairly easily defined applications or meanings .
7 This was to be a problem which plagued the Soviet government throughout the 1920s and even today remains a problem of the first magnitude .
8 This child is destined to be a sign which men reject ; and you too shall be pierced to the heart .
9 It was said to be a sentence he 'll carry for the rest of his life .
10 The short cut turned out to be a lane which started abruptly at the bottom of a flight of steps opposite the Questura and ran straight down the hillside like a ruled line .
11 Furthermore , Mary is scarcely a woman whom women today might be expected to find to be a symbol who represents them .
12 Well and then there used to be a stripper it 's a a long thing like that and there and er you 'd put it on .
13 That seems to me to be a consideration which may be able to address in general terms by yourselves , but depends very much on the individual proposals , and and erm is is a matter of detail of the individual proposals , I 'm sure that you do n't want presented here the the fine detail of of individual proposals
14 Fourth , although subsidiarity was not defined in the Single European Act , it was certainly understood to be a principle which applied .
15 We would assume that the discussion , in such a case , would cease to be a discussion which appealed to primarily linguistic evidence in this piece of discourse .
16 If there is to be a rehearsal you may prefer them to bring a practice leotard in order to keep any specially chosen outfit for the performance .
17 Mum this is supposed to be a silhouette it looks more like a black tree to me ha ha it 's supposed to be a silhouette .
18 The baby-faced rapist knocked on her door in the early hours , claiming to be a neighbour who had locked himself out in the pouring rain .
19 Following Socrates , the young Plato ( 429–347 ) who had aspired to be a tragedian himself , repudiated tragedy and art in generals even burning his own plays .
20 Born at Épinal in the Vosges , Durkheim was Jewish and brought up to be a rabbi which , however , he did not become , turning instead to the new science of sociology .
21 That used to be a pub I think .
22 They were afraid that he would be unhappy about their success , because he had wanted to be a writer himself .
23 The bonus with St Francis is in helping pupils to appreciate a depth in what it means to be a Christian which is so easily today seen at a superficial externalist level .
24 In fact you wo n't get any sexually mature erm er woman to have er any relationship with men , unofficial or otherwise if you 're not initiated because they 'll just say you 're a boy and , and er and er an adult woman would feel it was demeaning you know to sleep with a mere boy , she 'd insist you 've got to be a man and to be a man you normally got to be initiated and that normally means being circumcised .
25 He is so young and innocent ; although he pretends to be a man he is still only a schoolboy .
26 On this level of mere temperamental affinity ( not considering its truth or falsehood ) we feel Lewis to be a man who would be most happy in Christian garb .
27 He was popularly supposed to be a man who not only told the truth , but who could not tell a lie , and the senator 's aides and publicists were not unhappy to promulgate that echo of a previous President 's virtues .
28 He is thought to be a man who is going to increase taxes , not one who is cutting the deficit .
29 Then suddenly a demoniacal light had entered his eyes and , since he seemed to be a man who would set about proving his own theories — in this case that it was inconceivable that she should be as innocent as she would appear — he took a couple of steps forward and reached for her .
30 He had seemed to be a man who knew his way around .
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