Example sentences of "to [be] another [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They walked on , and after what they reckoned to be another mile they paused again and looked back at Dynmouth .
2 ‘ Well , one thing 's for sure , if there 's going to be another saviour it wo n't be a Jew ! ’
3 These military and familial idealised images of cooperation and conflict , then , break down in the face of current realities so there has to be another metaphor which can both explain and inform behaviour when conflicts or interests arise between management and work force .
4 But , of course , if you 're going to be another voice you really need to know what you 're talking about and you need to have vast access to information at least as good as all the departments who are putting forward their voices , and you need to have the time and the staff and I do n't think they always had that .
5 To reach such a target audience we probably need , at the minimum , ( a ) about two pages of description by the authors of each unit , telling the user how to load the program , how to drive it , and its limitations both educationally and technically this information could be included on the disc or tape that loads the program ( b ) some incentive to the programmer to document the program to this level , perhaps through its resulting acceptance into a ‘ library ’ ( c ) assurance from those receiving the program that they will be prepared to deal with the problems that such draft programs impose — this implies that they must be fairly competent users of their computer system : they could not expect to get software support from the author , who is likely to be another teacher whose time is fully occupied ( d ) some financial and organizational support for the distribution of programs , even if only on a cooperative basis ( e ) that users of such programs should undertake to report to the authors ( and to the library ? ) on the usefulness of each program received , and if they wish , to make recommendations for improvement .
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