Example sentences of "to [be] see [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The various roles of agriculture will have to be seen as integral aspects of the broader rural , national and international economy .
2 On the way to achieving effectiveness groups will undoubtedly face uncertainty , if not conflict , but these processes have to be seen as necessary costs of achieving both harmony and purposeful behaviour .
3 In the context of the apparent marginalization of the cities , there is a central reformist tradition ( developed in both Britain and the USA ) that suggests that riots need to be seen as political statements of dissatisfaction .
4 ‘ They just wanted to be seen as loyal citizens . ’
5 Furthermore , people with a history of psychiatric disorder are more likely to be seen as suitable referrals by primary health care workers .
6 From a sociological point of view , however , such places are ‘ learning ’ establishments in a much broader sense than most people would ordinarily recognise and , as such , have to be seen as major agencies of socialisation .
7 In this view , teaching materials are to be seen as hypothetical constructs , models or exemplars of abstract principles from which actual instances of pedagogic activities might be developed in the light of particular classroom conditions .
8 firstly , the interpretation of normalisation which seems to us to be in line with the sense of direction of the self-advocacy movement recognising that people with learning difficulties need to be seen as autonomous individuals with their own rights of self-determination ;
9 As the army 's innately conservative values became increasingly influenced by ultranationalist thought , the villages from which many soldiers came continued to be seen as fertile areas of support .
10 Amongst other things , the sociologist is interested in how and why some things come to be seen as social problems .
11 Towers are to be seen as single scouts or in pairs in Perugia and Bologna ; but these are isolated survivors ; many an Italian city was once adorned with innumerable towers .
12 The turnabout is expected to be seen as disastrous news by purists — not only in the United States but here in Britain , because of the speed with which language fashions cross the Atlantic .
13 Grief and tears are not to be seen as special experiences , only to be used at great and solemn moments .
14 If data archives hold their data long enough , however , they will eventually come to be seen as historical sources , and in reality there is no intrinsic difference between the 1991 census and that of 1891 .
15 The medieval fabliaux in English belong in the first instance to the context of medieval England , and are not to be seen as foreign intruders disguised in the clothing of the Middle English language .
16 As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and chancellor of both universities , the Governor is to be seen at occasional military parades , or handing out diplomas .
17 Certainly our classification policy is very much based on what kind of violence is safe to be seen at various ages . ’
18 They are more often to be seen on Irish calendars than in real life ( except as ruins ) , but many survive as comfortable homes .
19 Both need to be seen on Japanese television hobnobbing with the good and the great around the world .
20 It contains the private Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons , only to be seen on written application .
21 It will be intriguing to test whether other nearby quasars have close companions , not distinguishable from the quasar images to be seen on previous photographs .
22 Only God , the cherubim , and the angels were ever meant by the Lord to be seen with bare feet .
23 Such symptoms — repeated at places up and down the country — were exactly those to be seen throughout northern and central Europe .
24 It will also have to be seen in close relationship with other aspects of rural society and the economy , as well as with the overall social and economic structures at national and European levels .
25 ‘ Put an arrow into the ground in front of him when I give the sign — far enough ahead to be seen in good time . ’
26 They are also to be seen in neat pleated skirts of the kind to be found at Jaeger and Country Casuals .
27 Such patients are uncommon in general practice ; they are more likely to be seen in psychiatric outpatient clinics .
28 Close friendships with girls a few years older or younger than oneself were actively discouraged , and it seemed to us that to be seen in earnest conversation with a girl who belonged neither to one 's own year or one 's own house was tantamount to admitting that one was engaged in a lesbian liaison .
29 Similarly , for Boyle , there was a sense in which matter had to be divested of spirits and other inherent powers in order to be seen in proper spiritual light .
30 They did n't allow their hysterical laughing fits to be seen in public .
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