Example sentences of "to [be] [conj] we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 With the advances in information technology , answers to many questions could be delivered in minutes , not just on industrial issues , like how cold does it have to be before we stop work , or how heavy a load should I lift , but other questions not related to work that we have not always answered in the past .
2 There are formal procedures for deciding how large a difference in the ds needs to be before we decide to take the interaction seriously , but these are beyond the scope of this book .
3 I doubt very much whether we 'll have a score on that because it tends to be that we do n't find out what happens in Italy until er the following morning .
4 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
5 The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination , but have added an additional criterion , namely the conscious calculation of relatedness , to the criteria of propinquity , and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity , used by animals .
6 Obviously that 'll have to be when we 've fixed the sites
7 And it 's not fair to say it 's because of the beard because the beard 's not my fault , they just did n't shave in the jungle in whatever century it 's going to be when we get there and I know I grew it early but that 's the way I am , I like to start thinking myself into the part as soon as possible .
8 It is most unlikely , said Taylor , that metal crystals are really as perfect as we suppose them to be when we do sums about their strength .
9 yeah I think what , what has happened at the moment is that he would be almost helpless because there are so many things that are wrong with the world that it seems to be because we get so much information as a
10 Rosenthal comments that ‘ the history of science generally , and the history of psychology more specifically , suggest that more of us are wrong longer than we need to be because we hold our theories not quite lightly enough . ’
11 It has to be because we have to get our hands in .
12 Er ploughmen and horsemen were the elite of farm workers and the sons would could only aspire to do what they did and And er eventually I suspect it got to be a little more organized and er they had these little games of of ploughing matches , maybe in a rudimentary farm to begin with , but it eventually came to be as we see it today , over a long period of time .
13 What that refers to is that we do have a contract with the fire service college and we are satisfied with the resources we are committing to training at the moment and should any more be necessary at any time we will bring that back to members .
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