Example sentences of "to [be] [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 JAPAN are to be partially reunited when former members Mick Karn , Richard Barbieri and Steve Jansen form the rhythm section behind No-Man on their September dates .
2 They are also costly which is , perhaps , the major reason why they tend to be little used when compared with the cross-sectional , single survey .
3 Given the growth of international competition and the emergence of the multi- national enterprise , such limited control came to be widely recognised as inadequate , particularly as with the approach of 1992 the number of cross-border mergers was increasing .
4 In some ways , however , these disputes have been contained because certain scholars have written books on the constitution that have endured to be widely regarded as so authoritative that they define the parameters of acceptable constitutional debate and almost the very constitution itself .
5 Forbes ( 1933 ) and Snodgrass ( 1935 ) have introduced changes in the nomenclature of the cubito-anal veins which do not seem to be widely accepted while Vignon ( 1929 ) has an unorthodox modification of the Comstock-Needham system .
6 But it seems to be widely accepted as inevitable that indiscipline will not be eradicated , no matter how positive or imaginative the school tries to be ; hence the need to be able to apply sanctions and punishments , ‘ to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour and as a last resort to protect the necessary authority of teachers and the stability of the school system ’ .
7 His conclusions are original and thought-provoking , and deserve to be widely discussed for they challenge the major assumptions of traditional academic psychology .
8 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
9 If Councillor had actually stayed , he would know why this is so important to the people of whom I may say he has cruelly deserted by walking out of the debating chamber and what he 's saying to the people of is that Liberal Councillors A wo n't prepare speeches like his colleague earlier on or they wo n't stay in the debate they are not going to be properly represented when we take important decisions , both nationally and locally .
10 Well when i I had that used to cost sixpence , but you 'd got to be properly dressed afore you went I tell you .
11 In Shah 's case Lord Scarman said , ‘ All that is necessary is that the purpose of living where one does [ eg , for education , employment , health , family or merely love of the place ] has a sufficient degree of continuity to be properly described as settled ’ .
12 To create a safe and reliable vehicle the brakes need uprating to LWB specification with a servo The exhaust system needs fabricating properly and all fuel lines , water pipes and wiring needs to be properly engineered If you are not a competent engineer I would recommend you did not attempt this We have seen many disastrous conversions !
13 The Bill is bound to be extensively amended before it reaches the statute book — at the time of writing 16 , amendments have been put down by the Government and 25 of them are of major importance — but it is believed that few if any of these amendments will affect settlements under which there is subsisting an interest in possession .
14 Well , I think at first they were both afraid to become music specialists , but she knows so much now — good contemporary pop music , not just my music — that she wants to be involved with it and she refuses to be professionally involved unless she has expert knowledge .
15 Before long there were many activities for which time came to be increasingly regarded as valuable .
16 It is her ambition to be tried for her life for murdering a small tobacconist with a meat-cleaver , only to be dramatically cleared when her alibi is established by the bishop who was confirming her at the very moment of the crime .
17 A quick rush of hope surged through her , only to be instantly squashed when Isabel remembered the treacherous reality behind the truth .
18 Several times she caught him looking at her unguardedly , and heat flared in his eyes , to be instantly banked as he brought it under control with his iron will .
19 Immigration from the mainland was to be strictly controlled while Macao 's entertainment industry , centred around gambling casinos , was to be preserved as a major support to the territory 's economy .
20 Once the national point of view has been established the decks are cleared for the exploits of three young heroes to whom battle is fun and orders exist to be cunningly circumvented when there is a chance of appealingly extraneous adventure .
21 And that 's why it is wrong for women to be financially penalised when they have children .
22 Theda asked , adding , ‘ I only wish to be adequately prepared if she should question me . ’
23 In the meantime , practitioners who are concerned with transactions in land will wish to be adequately informed as to the of impact of the new tax and of the pitfalls be associated with it .
24 It 's our job to bring you comprehensive performance results on PCs that are up for review , and we have to be even handed while we do it .
25 Those endeavours were proved to be somewhat premature as no real bombing of cities occurred until the following year , and many of the children had returned home only to have to be again evacuated when the bombing did start .
26 Brackett Green , in Bernard Jenkin 's Colchester North constituency , does not expect to be unduly affected if Swan Hunter closes .
27 Dance movement in every form and style must be correctly parsed and expressed if it is to be clearly understood whether its message is simple , subtle , bold , comic or tragic .
28 If account is to be taken of what has been described as concern with the well-being of the system , then " the best way of earning public confidence is the most direct : to be clearly seen as doing a good job " ( Becher et al 1981:156 ) .
29 The influence of the peer group appears to be particularly marked where parental influence is not strong .
30 ‘ The NFU is well known for representing farmers , and it 's necessary for the BHA to be easily understood as representing the hospitality industry in all its forms , ’ he said .
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