Example sentences of "to [be] [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Two are highly valued , namely lidya ( shy , timid , ashamed ) and höntugen ( frightened , fearful ) , and can be said to be integral aspects of the Chewong person ( Howell 1988 ) .
2 It is not my intention to argue that villagers confused the two institutions , or that they thought magistrates and demons to be similar types of beings .
3 Not one that bleeding hearts would approve of , no doubt , but we , as the committee , were absolutely within our rights to sell off what we considered to be unnecessary stocks of wine in order to allocate the money to members ’ more urgent needs . ’
4 In all these cases , the relevant legal provisions required there to be onward transmission of the documents to the defendant .
5 Not only are there likely to be unphysiological levels of stimulation , but it is frequently unclear , from published reports , how extensive the effective stimulation zone actually was .
6 There appears to be substantial numbers of people who join or leave , become active or inactive , over time .
7 However , landlords usually calculate the rent on what they consider to be reasonable use of shared facilities , which is already to their advantage .
8 Tamas had attempted to stand in the same constituency in the 1985 general election , but had been thwarted by what he had alleged to be communist manipulation of the candidate selection process [ see p. 33812-13 ] .
9 Their Saturday evening concert at the Arts Centre showed them to be individual artists of the highest quality who together produced something greater than just the sum of the parts .
10 If not , and if there are to be individual assessments of the criteria , will the Foreign Secretary assure the House that if Germany decides that the criteria have been met and recognises the republics but Britain decides that the criteria have not been met , the United Kingdom will reserve the right not to recognise the republics ?
11 The international landscape with which we began 1989 — the old , familiar structures of the two alliances , the Anglo-American special relationship , the European Community 's halting progress toward greater unity , and the newer but also beginning to be familiar element of reform in the Soviet Union — is being transformed , and it is Germany which is leading that transformation .
12 Oral and intragastric infusions of beer were found to be potent stimuli of gastric acid secretion , with a response of over 95% of that produced by pentagastrin .
13 There were some indications that users of freelancers might make slightly greater use of agency workers , but equally that high users of part-timers tended to be lower users of agency workers .
14 The illustrations were to be typical representations of ecosystems that actually exist with inhabitants adapted to live there .
15 What little new fiction by youngish writers there has been has tended to be incestuous tales of fast-track living in the media boomtown of the Eighties : books sold and written in the Groucho Club bar .
16 Uniforum has tapped The Kaminer Group to do public relations for its annual Unix show , a wily move considering its boss Dave Kaminer used to be vice president of public relations for show organiser The Interface Group , the mighty Comdex engine .
17 After this Firbank resumed his nomadism , and the settings of his books , too , were henceforth to be fantastic versions of foreign places : Vienna , Havana , Seville .
18 There were estimated to be 250,000 tonnes of carcinogenic PCBs in Europe .
19 By law , therefore , bookies ' offices have to be seedy reminders of the 1960s — an outrageous imposition when , for many , the Saturday punt is the week 's intellectual activity .
20 As a result , agents of the owner , who happen to be former principals of Sotheby 's , arranged for the procurement of another set of licenses from the Lebanon ’ .
21 One of the difficulties of using politicians ' or military leaders ' diaries is that they are always likely to be personal justifications of their own actions at the time , and of course they give the impression that the whole of history consists of political intrigue or war .
22 There would also need to be higher rates of tax built on top of this sum .
23 Precisely because they make no claim to be accurate descriptions of the social world , they are not directly testable .
24 No , it is all due to the faithful old Sun going through it usual cycle of activity and the so called dragons turn out to be early sightings of aurorae .
25 They have aimed to participate in all , or nearly all , of the major fields , and to be net exporters of major electronics hardware items ( TV sets , computers , telephone switches ) ; they also seek to have a major defence and aerospace industry and to be net exporters of television programming .
26 They have aimed to participate in all , or nearly all , of the major fields , and to be net exporters of major electronics hardware items ( TV sets , computers , telephone switches ) ; they also seek to have a major defence and aerospace industry and to be net exporters of television programming .
27 Areas with the highest levels of unemployment are likely to be net exporters of population .
28 They expect to be net importers of a variety of items — varying from computers to television programming .
29 Despite the existence of some domestic deposits of coal and uranium and the exploitation of North Sea oil and natural gas , the countries of the European Community continue to be net importers of energy .
30 The cause appears to be renewed formation of intermediate water in the Labrador Sea from cooler and fresher source waters , and the spreading of this water mass from the west .
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