Example sentences of "to [be] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , there are often subtle differences in what at first glance appear to be similar provisions in different contracts , for example , the provision for liquidated damages .
2 There appears to be little change in prevalence rates with age ( see Figure 5.2 ) , but rates are considerably higher in women as compared with men ( see Figure 5.3 ) .
3 Finally , as summarized in table 4 , there seemed to be little interest in some of the current general matters of concern in education .
4 Senior managers do not want things to go wrong , and will not take what they consider to be unnecessary risks in recommending one supplier as opposed to another .
5 There were to be extraordinary inconsistencies in the description of that fateful call by the main participants .
6 There is likely to be substantial increases in CPU times , although it might be possible to reduce this by a factor of 5 .
7 At first glance there appears to be substantial equality in the income maintenance payments made to men and women , in that the same rates apply to both , and there are no rules debarring women from access to benefits just because they are women .
8 The agreement was based on the famous — some would say infamous-five principles : unimpeded progress to majority rule ( already enshrined in the 1961 Constitution ) had to be maintained and guaranteed ; there would have to be guarantees against retrogressive amendment of the Constitution ; there would need to be immediate improvement in the political status of the black population ; there would have to be progress towards ending racial discrimination ; and the British government would need to be satisfied that any basis proposed for independence was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
9 On the other hand , from the forties onwards there is likely to be greater stability in the sense that individuals are more settled in their jobs and ambitions and are supported by less rapidly changing domestic and leisure situations .
10 You must point towards your future , you must wonder if your future is to be fourteen years in the Dubrovlag .
11 Among younger officers , who were more distanced from the original " New Order " thinking of the 1960s , there appeared to be increasing interest in the concept of " integralism " , which urged that the administration be drawn from the broadest possible social range .
12 IBM and Motorola expect to be producing PowerPCs in the millions starting next year , aiming to capture a 20% market share in 1996 or 30% to 40% of the desktop market .
13 IBM and Motorola expect to be producing PowerPCs in the millions starting next year , and they intend to capture a 20% market share in 1996 or 30% to 40% of the desktop market .
14 In Conversation A , the British-born speaker Brenda uses both London English and Creole , but shows what seems to be differential behaviour in responding towards her father ( F ) and her brother ( L ) , for example , in A-3 :
15 There thus seems to be quantitative differences in the metabolic processes concerned .
16 People who choose to be private patients in public hospitals have 75% of the schedule fee reimbursed by Medicare and pay any additional fees through private insurance , if they have it .
17 To begin with , dams create lakes behind them , and the one that was to build up behind Aswan , Lake Nasser , was supposed to be 500 km in length , with a surface of 5100 square km .
18 There had to be prior scrutiny in each case of the particular facts , sovereign interests , and the likelihood that the Convention procedures would prove effective .
19 C. oncophora and C. curticei are generally considered to be mild pathogens in calves and lambs respectively although in some studies they have been associated with inappetence and poor weight gains .
20 We need to be shining lights in the darkness .
21 It reflects what the City considers to be best practice in the conduct of takeovers .
22 As mentioned in para 3.2 above , it does not have the force of law , but it does reflect what the City considers to be best practice in the conduct of takeovers .
23 The examples are not always abstract ballets , because the three aspects described above are applicable to most choreography if music and dance are to be equal partners in a ballet .
24 In fact , psychology and biology have to be equal partners in our analysis of the brain .
25 Typical fraudsters are likely to be long-term employees in a position of trust : they work hard , put in long hours , and seldom take holidays — often presenting the perfect employee profile .
26 It may be that there will have to be extensive changes in those institutions in the years to come .
27 Transactions in shares , not necessarily at arm 's length or for cash , and previous agreements with the Inland Revenue with regard to their valuation , were held to be admissible evidence in relation to the valuation of the shares .
28 Whether we regard state policies towards small firms as rhetorical gestures or as genuine attempts to protect their existence , there does appear to be renewed interest in preserving a differentiated industrial structure .
29 There must be an intention on both sides for there to be legal consequences in the event of a breach , in order to constitute a binding contract .
30 His ‘ robust realism ’ results from the fact that he can not attain the standpoint of transcendental reflection from which he can notice what we take to be idealist tendencies in his work .
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