Example sentences of "to [be] [adj] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The Z-rock ( Cinoptilolite Zeolite ) which we placed in a test tank has split into pieces along what appear to be sedimentary lines and turned yellow .
2 Well I , other week I got this beds er not bedspread duvet cover and he 's supposed to be slight second and I can 's see nowt wrong with that .
3 It needs to be visible action and leadership .
4 I think to be honest Whyte and Fairclough were never that good — even in the championship year .
5 Walking during this heatwave was bound to be warm work and I was determined to avoid sandwiches of chalk and modelling clay .
6 When they are patterned , their designs tend to be simple spots and dapples .
7 It 's going to be nine p and one p .
8 But there was to be Norman Lamont and a tr and treasury ministers , three or four of them .
9 Now , as I said , my own investigation of DNA strands revealed what I believe to be specific intelligence and personality factors in Briant Bodies Gamma and Delta .
10 If it 's erm if it 's a school teacher as in primary schools where they 're going to teach a lot across a range of subjects , one of the new measures I think is going to help and that is the introduction of the sixth subject , erm Bachelor of Education Degree , because maths , English and science will be the core three subjects and the other three subjects will be of choice , so there 's an opportunity there for one of those subjects to be religious education and it will be taught in greater depth to those teachers .
11 So obviously if er if Mississippi wants some federal money for a project they 're not gon na get it unless there are civil rights provisions built into the , into the project that is , you know , you ca n't just give dole out to white people and refuse it to black people erm that there has to be equal opportunities and so on .
12 LUCKY TO BE ALIVE Paul and toddler Stuart with the oven unit that tipped over .
13 The Templar lands were declared to be lay fee and therefore forfeit to the crown on the dissolution of the Order ; any attempts to challenge this were soon quashed by writs of prohibition .
14 Although this turned out be the quietest piece of the whole site , at the far extreme a very small hammered coin came to light which looks to be 16th/17th century and of Italian or Papal States origin .
15 People who are used to having responsible jobs at home or in the office and who are known to be good managers and organizers can not understand why suddenly the simplest task seems to be beyond them , and this makes them feel out of control and very unsafe .
16 Why does he not convince the Cabinet to be good Europeans and to obey the rules like France , Germany and Spain ?
17 ‘ Male Ventriloquism ’ was judged to be good work and discounted by the examiners as probably largely by Roland , which was doubly unjust , since he had refused to look at it , and did not agree with its central proposition , which was that Randolph Henry Ash neither liked nor understood women , that his female speakers were constructs of his own fear and aggression , that even the poem-cycle , Ask to Embla , was the work , not of love but of narcissism , the poet addressing his Anima .
18 It demonstrated the concern of the oil industry to be good neighbours and to take care in its actions to minimise its disruption to the natural environment , he said .
19 South Africa opened an " interests office " in Windhoek on Dec. 13 , 1989 , offering a full range of consular services , including issue of passports and visas ; the deputy head of the office said : " South Africa demonstrates by this that we want to be good neighbours and hope it will be possible to retain normal and friendly relations with the neighbouring state . "
20 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
21 I mean , elementary education for girls the board schools was very much a case of training them to be good wives and mothers and so on .
22 After French Museums proved unable to agree over the price at which the paintings should go to the Museum of Melun , however , France 's Monuments Historiques moved in and declared the two still lifes the first paintings , after van Gogh 's ‘ Jardin a Auvers ’ , to be historic monuments and thus unable to leave France .
23 We agreed that there needs to be increased participation and representation of Caribbean peoples , their needs and perspectives .
24 He saw himself , ten years on , a querulous old man complaining in self-pity : What company have my children ever been to me ? — and forgetting that he had sent them so lightly away from him , Blanche across the sea to Heidelberg , to a husband she had never seen ; Philippa , possibly , to remote Denmark ; Thomas , only this Spring , to be titular governor and keep his court in Ireland , and try to make good the wrack and ruin of castles and garrisons there .
25 In fact , at the time when Macmillan 's advice was sought he had ceased to be Prime Minister and it is the more odd that the Queen on this occasion should have , in Macmillan 's words , said that ‘ she did not need and did not intend to seek any other advice but mine ’ .
26 David heard that Mr Major was going to be Prime Minister and he said , surely it 's Mrs Major .
27 it 's forehead cos that 's what people say and it used to be fore head and they change all the time that 's why need to record the words and see how they 're being pronounced .
28 ‘ We are supposed to be prospective man and wife , ’ he said , still rubbing his chest , ‘ and Margrida is under the impression that we 're madly in love . ’
29 A survey of women in Massachusetts has found the average length of a first healthy pregnancy to be 41 weeks and 1 day , with subsequent pregnancies at 40 weeks & 3 days ; Black and Japanese women have shorter pregnancies .
30 ‘ It 's not going to be all romances and girls and all that , ’ he says matter-of-factly .
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