Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] [prep] [being] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is something to be said for being kept waiting by a buyer .
2 " There 's a lot to be said for being free , " she panted .
3 Some people may find it too exciting ; certainly , there is something to be said for being on the side of the road away from the steep drops into the valley , which means driving eastwards by this route and not westwards , or into Bigorre not out of it .
4 They seek to restrict town-based owners to one dog per household and legislate for all puppies to be neutered before being sold .
5 In time , the system came to be criticized for being too narrowly focused on land use ( to the exclusion of social planning ) , as well as for being slow and inflexible .
6 Their Lordships held that a chief constable who was dismissable only for cause was entitled to notice of the charge and an opportunity to be heard before being dismissed .
7 I do n't think so when I went to let him in he 'd pulled himself up round the patio and looked as though he expected to be walloped for being silly he 's taken us this morning .
8 There is also some satisfaction to be gained from being deliberately rebellious or doing something outrageous and saying ‘ F*** you ! ’ to your own conventions for a night .
9 From another point of view , it is an attempt to indicate to those who have to put language curricula into practice , at whatever level — ELT classrooms , lower school , sixth form , university — that there is a great deal to be gained by being prepared to leave the beaten track , as H V Morton did .
10 The language helper needs to be kept from being bored , too .
11 Until the first new pay and conditions order is made under the new Act , the 1987 Act needs to be kept in being for a very short time for a very specific and limited purpose to ensure that all teachers continue to be covered by the existing pay and conditions order made under that Act .
12 Hoping as always to avoid trouble , the Goldsmiths decided to require the new Schoolmaster to be examined before being appointed ; this was duly done , and Joseph Whittle , a graduate of Brasenose College , Oxford , took up his position with effect from 28th September .
13 Ken wrote asking to be forgiven for being ‘ a foolish old man ’ .
14 This capacity to enjoy beauty could have had its origin in the elaborate effects of association between , to quote just one possibility , the peace and beauty of a woodland retreat , and the relief to be felt in being there after suffering , for example , the pain of a lost battle .
15 Because many of the currently available printers use sequences of control codes to change character fonts or to select graphics , provision must also be made to allow these to be sent without being trapped .
16 ‘ Common sense ’ and ‘ experience ’ , the officer 's greatest virtues , can not be taught , it is believed , but have to be acquired by being thrust almost immediately into the daily round .
17 Indeed , a teacher must respect the need adolescents have to be protected from being made vulnerable by the drama .
18 Some vitamins are very unstable chemically and therefore have to be protected by being coated with another substance .
19 The fresh-faced , girl-next-door image could not be allowed to be tarnished by being linked with the wrong merchandise and the negotiations that went into choosing the first Kylie-recommended products were intense .
20 Sir Adrian personally believes there is a lot of satisfaction to be derived from being a top executive , although he spurns the more visible trappings of success .
21 Instead , the satisfaction was to be derived from being prepared for labour and in the performance of tasks , conscious of their relation to a greater whole .
22 I even passed a couple of oast houses where hops used to be dried after being picked by families of East Enders for a pittance and a daily beer ration .
23 He argues that in the absence of diminishing returns to production of the intermediate or final good , or some element of product differentiation at intermediate or final levels , or the need for a firm 's intermediate product division to be held to being competitive , then vertically integrated firms will not participate in the intermediate good market .
24 Once this has been completed each invoice or other costing document will need to be coded before being processed by the computer operator .
25 Overall it offered a strategic solution to many of London 's problems — though , as it was realized later , only if the world would stand still long enough for desirable change to be effected without being overtaken by other events .
26 There was nothing to be got from being disagreeable or testy .
27 It must have been galling , to say the least , for a man from such a background to be accused of being a Nazi by student revolutionaries at the London School of Economics , whose only experience of a ‘ fascist regime ’ was being refused service in the college bar after closing time .
28 It was on an overseas tour with Newcastle that Gallacher earned the dubious notoriety of being the first player to be accused of being drunk in charge of a football .
29 If Hughie Gallacher was the first Scot to be accused of being drunk in charge of a football then his namesake , Patsy Gallacher , had already gone one better .
30 The press began to be accused of being one-sided , unfair , of not giving a balanced picture .
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