Example sentences of "to [pron] for [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It took me a long time to admit that , but I gradually realized that many people were grateful to me for sharing the thought with them .
2 Oisin said , very courteously , ‘ Since our own Chroniclers and our Poets and Story Tellers were unable to follow us into exile , it is we who should be grateful to you for creating an account of what is happening . ’
3 ‘ I 'm obliged to you for explaining the situation .
4 His relations gave him up , deploring his French expedition and the revolutionary sympathies it so clearly implied , and despairing that he would ever take the opportunities available to him for making a career in the Church or the law .
5 When people apologized to her for breaking a glass or making a remark which , upon sober reflection , they found themselves regretting she would smile the vague smile of the hostess who is at once too preoccupied and too superior to notice the faux pas of those around her .
6 Rita is still experiencing some back trouble so we were particularly grateful to her for making the long journey from Newcastle .
7 If the Germans can provide this , we should be grateful to them just as the world ought to be grateful to us for having a zero line of longitude running constantly through Greenwich ’ .
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