Example sentences of "to [pron] who [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 May I appeal to anybody who might have information , or might know of where I can find information , on Alton in this period .
2 ‘ We urgently appeal to anybody who may have seen it during the 48 hours in which it was missing to contact us . ’
3 Those closest to him who should have been too frightened to behave as they did include his father , but they also include his sisters , who struck out for themselves in a fashion which has him siding with his father .
4 ‘ Equally we want to speak to anyone who may have rented out property recently in what they consider to be suspicious or somewhat unusual circumstances , ’ said a Scotland Yard spokesman .
5 I would appeal to anyone who may have found a Suunto-ML wrist computer on site to contact me or Caernarfon police station .
6 Detectives would like to speak to anyone who may have seen the accident .
7 They appeal to anyone who may have seen it should get in touch .
8 They have appealed to anyone who may have become suspicious about any car in the Edinburgh Road area to come forward .
9 The police want to talk to anyone who may have seen something suspicious near the school on Sunday afternoon when the fire occurred .
10 Police have appealed to anyone who may have seen people acting suspiciously in the area of the hospital to contact them .
11 Darlington police want to speak to anyone who may have seen suspicious activity around the health authority offices at the estimated time of the incident .
12 Mr Sinclair said the inquiry was continuing , and appealed to anyone who might have helped Mr Jowett build the machine to come forward .
13 ‘ I would appeal to anyone who might have information to contact the police as soon as possible . ’
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