Example sentences of "to [pron] from [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He clicked the intercom again and said , ‘ Miss Bassett , all calls regarding the Briant project are to he switched to me from here on in .
2 Mr Morraine spent most of his time dusting his collection of strange-looking rocks and stones he had sent to him from all over the world .
3 When some sociologists talk of the ‘ socialization function of the family ’ , therefore , they are not talking of a family deliberately and consciously performing a function assigned to it from outside by ‘ society ’ , but rather of a more subtle process that arises out of the facts of being married , of sharing a residence over a long period of time , and of parenthood .
4 Hawkshead Grammar School was at the highest point of its reputation when Wordsworth arrived ; boys were sent to it from all over the north-west of England and even from Scotland .
5 In 1974 the great International Congress on World Evangelisation was held in Lausanne and thousands of delegates came to it from all over the world .
6 The pope 's tribunal was the highest tribunal for all , but why should this tribunal not be extended in practice by the delegation of cases that came to it from all over Europe to judges , acting on behalf of the pope , in the countries from which the appeals came ?
7 Coming to it from below like this , from the direction of Oloron or from Laruns , it is a sound idea to leave the main road to the left and inspect the modest countryside in which the estimable wines of Jurançon are made .
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