Example sentences of "to [pron] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I said to them it was placing the team and the ARFU in a terrible situation and I gave them a 5.30 pm deadline otherwise the tour was off .
2 In fact I sat next to her at a lunch in Abingdon a few years ago , and erm this image one got of her of not being a listener is totally untrue erm every time she turned to me it was to listen to what I had to say .
3 ‘ When Dermot McNicholl put the ball through to me it was running away from me .
4 Secondly if the first question is answered affirmatively , it is necessary to consider whether there are any considerations which ought to negative , or to reduce or limit the scope of duty or the class of person to whom it is owed or the damages to which a breach of it may give rise .
5 The effect is consequently a reversion to the pre-Anns position of developing new categories of duty incrementally by analogy with established categories rather than by a wide prima facie duty constrained only by undefined ‘ considerations which ought to negate , or to reduce or limit the scope of the duty or the class of persons to whom it is owed ’ .
6 I have always thought that a promise to perform an existing duty , or the performance of it , should be regarded as good consideration , because it is a benefit to the person to whom it is given .
7 a requirement or condition which he applies or would apply equally to a man but — ( i ) which is such that the proportion of women who can comply with it is considerably smaller thin the proportion of men who can comply with it , and ( ii ) which he can not show to be justifiable irrespective of the sex of the person to whom it is applied , and ( iii ) which is to her detriment because she can not comply with it .
8 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the person to whom it is applied .
9 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the colour , race , nationality or ethnic origins of the person to whom it is applied .
10 The system will be effective in deployment of resources , economical in the demands made on those to whom it is applied and free of practices or procedures which restrict access or opportunity .
11 17.17 An essential aspect of development in the secondary stages is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing — what it is about , what form it should take and to whom it is addressed .
12 An essential element in our proposals for the secondary school is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing : what it is about , what form it should take , and to whom it is addressed .
13 The style and format will depend upon the content and the context of the report and the audience to whom it is addressed .
14 One answer lies in the fact that law is not simply what is in the books , but is also the people who work it , the way it is implemented , and the reaction of those to whom it is addressed .
15 A decision is binding upon those to whom it is addressed , and may operate to create individual rights which must be protected by the courts of the member states .
16 According to Lush J. , ‘ it is the very essence of a threat that it should be made for the purpose of intimidating or overcoming the will of the person to whom it is addressed . ’
17 The person to whom it is addressed can not be expected to conduct a minute linguistic analysis of what is said to him where this is accompanied by aggressive gestures .
18 A decision shall be binding in its entirety upon those to whom it is addressed . ’
19 ‘ An unconditional order in writing , addressed by one person* to another , signed by the person giving it , requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to , or to the order of , a specified person , or to order ’ .
20 while whe you mean at line 25 overlaps with the turn of her brother L , to whom it is addressed .
21 It is an unconditional order in writing , addressed by one person or company to another , signed by the person or the company to whom it is addressed , to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future date a certain sum of money to , or to the order of , a specified person or company , or to bearer .
22 If we tried to describe a theory of legislation sufficiently uncontroversial to command close to universal assent among our lawyers and judges , we would be limited to something like this : if the words of a statute admit of only one meaning , no matter in what context they are uttered , and if we have no reason to doubt that this is the meaning understood by all the legislators who voted for or against the statute or abstained , and the statute so understood achieves no results not intended by all those who voted for it and would be so understood by all the members of the public to whom it is addressed , and could not be thought by any sensible person To violate any of the substantive or procedural constraints of the Constitution , or otherwise offend any widely held view about fairness or efficiency in legislation , then the propositions contained in that statute , understood in that way , are part of the community 's law .
23 ‘ There is no doubt as to the general rule stated in Leake on Contracts to which I have already referred , that money paid voluntarily — that is to say , without compulsion or extortion or undue influence , and , of course , I may add without any fraud on the part of the person to whom it is paid , and with knowledge of all the facts , though paid without any consideration , or in discharge of a claim not due , or a claim which might have been successfully resisted , can not be recovered back .
24 The person to whom it is retailed says , ‘ as if it mattered which platform ! ’ )
25 In one sense , in a report about ‘ environmental scanning ’ , it would be good to be able to report that those engaged in that activity had solved this problem of making the information that they deliver , directly usable by those to whom it is delivered .
26 AL Autograph Letter in the hand of the person to whom it is attributed , but unsigned .
27 Where , however , the cost of providing a service is balanced or overtopped by amounts received for the service from others to whom it is provided , the man in the street might well , and probably would , say that the provider had incurred no expense in providing the particular benefit under consideration .
28 The decision whether or not to exercise this power , and to serve a notice before hearing the persons to whom it is directed or whom it will affect , must be one which the board must balance against what it regards as the interests of investors .
29 He finds a means of using the language of both physical experience and Scripture in an anagogical sense whereby mystical experience may be both recognised and shared by those to whom it is known , and to some extent desired , because imagined , by others less involved .
30 Sometimes screening which is not available to older women may not have proven effectiveness for the group to whom it is offered .
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