Example sentences of "to [pron] [conj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 You should never talk to them or go in their cars or houses .
2 Bodie got out of the car and strolled past the two men , standing quite close to them and browsing in the window of the shop before which they stood .
3 ‘ If it is real , it justifies the comments Diana 's friends made to me and reported in my book .
4 On the contrary , it draws attention to the dangers of introducing western technology outside , and even in the west it 's a good illustration this of the extent to which or work in countries overseas has relevance for Britain , because we have done a great deal of work on the implications for the unemployment problem of having technology which requires too much capital , which has a very ratio of capital to labour .
5 If Robert came to you and said in his gentle , somehow caressingly placid voice that I had admitted or confessed to him in ‘ obvious distress ’ that I had pushed my penis up between the hired legs of more than one hundred and fifty tarts ( including three on one single day , or two on one single bed ) then you would probably believe him .
6 I can see the problems now , people come up to you and whisper in your ear , how comes he 's on the list , I saw him going into the Liberal club or the Tory club the other day , he 's not a Labour supporter .
7 We accept responsibility for ensuring that all component parts of the inclusive holiday which you book with us are supplied to you as described in this brochure and to a reasonable standard .
8 Boglins — Various , from small , £1 , to one that glows in the dark , £30 .
9 Proof of debt forms must be sent out by the official receiver or trustee to every creditor who is known to him or identified in the statement of affairs ( r 6.97 ) .
10 But Modigliani did not forget and in 1915 , when Indenbaum met him in Montparnasse , looking pale and unshaven , Modi came up to him and said in a hoarse voice , ‘ I 'm going to paint your portrait . ’
11 Werewolf softly whistled Mark Knopfler 's Going Home from Local Hero and did n't stop even when Jenkins walked up to him and said in a plummy voice :
12 He was at this time an exponent of the benefits of Anglo-French peace and in the Philobiblon , attributed to him and written in 1344–5 , one chapter was entitled ‘ the Complaint of Books against Wars ’ .
13 When God points out your fault you will come ready to him and repent in his in
14 When we make something like these ten steps our daily discipline , we are aiming for it to be a vehicle through which we meet God and learn to love him and listen to him and abide in him .
15 When they stood up she thought with ill-humoured relief that Nicole was about to step into her car and drive away , but Piers turned to her and said in a flat voice , ‘ I 'll see you later .
16 I think you were so intent on winning that you did n't care what happened to anyone that got in your way .
17 Only a few people can keep up with the rapidly advancing frontier of knowledge , and they have to devote their whole time to it and specialize in a small area .
18 Erm more calls than we could cope with in the end for and er see what happens to it and keep in touch write to your councillors and let them know what you think or write to me and I 'll pass the letters on .
19 Similarly , in the spring of 1940 , he assured the French Head of State , Marshal Pétain , that Spain would remain neutral , while he also assured Ciano that although Spain was materially unable to participate in the war , he was not indifferent to it and believed in the victory of the Axis .
20 As soon as the stigma is revealed and exposed , you can not be sure that some keen and inquisitive insect wo n't beat you to it and carry in pollen from heaven knows where .
21 — ‘ Non , ’ Alyssia said , mastering the French word and deciding that it had a certain ring to it when used in conversation with this particular woman .
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