Example sentences of "to [pron] [pron] have give " in BNC.

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1 We related to her how everything happened ; she exulted and gloried and was now blessing you ( O God ) who are able to do above what we can ask or conceive , because she recognized that with regard to me you have given her so much more than she used to beg for when she wept so pitifully before you .
2 It 's been an emotional , turbulent four months : we 've read every letter sent with every donation , been touched and amazed time and again by your generosity , and offer our warmest thanks to everyone who has given time and/or money to help .
3 Before I left I was able to give him the good news about his friend Donald , one of the officers to whom we had given food and clothes on the banks of the Rovacchia .
4 An eccentric Welsh atheist , Dr William Price , cremated the body of his illegitimate infant , to whom he had given the name Jesus .
5 Here was the women whose father he had unsuccessfully defended , to whom he had given a home and a job , who was supposed to be devoted to him .
6 She said that there could only ever be one true faith , and that must come from the Apostle Peter , the rock upon which the Lord had founded His church and to whom He had given the power to loose and unloose on earth and in Heaven .
7 He left an under-age son , Richard , by Philippa , and an adult bastard , Daniel , to whom he had given lands in Glamorgan before 1245 .
8 The Chief-Corporal to whom I had given my sisters ' addresses at Canjuers was there , and he told me that he had sent my oldest sister a photograph of himself in a tank and one of his apartment in La Rochelle .
9 The Presidential Rally on Tuesday evening saw Dr Hugh Kennedy take over as President , a fitting tribute in this Bicentenary of the BMS to someone who has given so much of his life to serving God and others through the BMS .
10 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , ’ called the headmaster , ‘ we are ready to begin our pageant , to which we have given the lighthearted title Islamic Wimbledon ! ’
11 Non-verbal language — the use of space , gesture , facial expression , the understanding of symbol — is a vitally important part of drama to which we have to give careful attention if we are going to develop our work .
12 Law-making , and law-changing , being a public responsibility to which everyone has to give a lot of time .
13 For he was realistic enough to recognize that even if the Greek distinction between the ‘ pure ’ and the ‘ useful ’ was ultimately illusory , still the kind of class-division to which it had given rise was deeply engrained .
14 They differ from connotative terms like ‘ metal ’ — and to this extent ‘ are in the same condition as proper names ’ — in that whereas to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this thing a ‘ metal ’ ? ’ the answer , ‘ Things of which it is true that their oxide dissolved in water yields an alkaline solution ’ can be given ; to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ ? ’ the only answer that can be given is , ‘ Sensations to which I have given the name ‘ a sensation of white ’ ’ , an answer that does not ‘ unfold the signification of this class of names ’ .
15 I append the headings of a few subjects to which I have given some attention , and which I could write a readable article upon .
16 Sturt 's Letter your Lordship will find some interesting remarks upon a species of Gallinule to which I have given the name of Tribonyx ventralis and which I shall shortly publish in my work … ’
17 Such people are going to be disappointed with what follows , for I shall merely continue to look critically at some of the concepts to which she has given prominence .
18 Secondly , in the devouring quality of a human or animal mother when she is driven to reclaim the life to which she has given birth .
19 Dadda he had told , though even to him he had given only a vague location , but he had n't said a word to his grandmother and he was sure Peter would n't have told Uncle Leonard and Auntie Midge .
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