Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The key to them lies in the title of the second series — Christian Behaviour .
2 The links are not logical , but associative , and the clue to them lies in the already noted ambivalence of the word character .
3 If members of a conquering nation called upon the nation they had conquered and continued to hold down to forget their specific nationality and position , to ‘ sink national differences ’ and so forth , that was not internationalism , it was nothing else but preaching to them submission to the yoke , and attempting to justify and perpetuate the domination of the conqueror under the cloak of internationalism .
4 Their dossiers should be kept complete , as complete as those of my friends to whom copies of the present missive have been sent .
5 The field-worker was a captive audience to whom members of the force could display their competence when riding around Easton in a police vehicle , and conversations were punctuated by policemen pointing out significant sites and personnel .
6 Subsequently , we shall ask you to formally approve a list of parties to whom details of the opportunity will be circulated .
7 The more stable member of the partnership listened impassively to my reading of the letter .
8 But this time it was hard word Mr Dakin responded to my sallies on the weather , cricket and the price of milk with a series of grunts .
9 I went over to my clothes on the empty bed .
10 Now for instance using that A P I , I could write a piece of C code , a piece of Three G L , which could access the database as if it was local to my machine on the client .
11 The mast could catch lightning and could send the electricity down to my machine in the laboratory .
12 I confided my problem to my neighbour on the hide bench .
13 According to my neighbour on the other side , this apartment contained something very unusual in the way of leggy redheads .
14 Talking to my sister on the phone about the visit she insisted that the feeling of being absent in my mother 's presence was nothing to do with the illness , was the emotional underpinning of our childhood .
15 Excel 4 has the answer to my prayers in the Scenario Manager .
16 What my hon. Friend says causes me some concern , in addition to my hesitation about the merits of regional banding .
17 Well , to get to my concept of the legal definition in this State , there 's no question that he was .
18 This analogy is in every way applicable to my concept of the stratigraphical column .
19 According to my contact at the Yard , the theory is that he met Puddephat by chance , and saw his opportunity .
20 I walked back to my sock in the thin rain .
21 In relation to my experience in the so called western feminist movement , I really feel that race and class is a major impediment to the unity of even us women operating in this country .
22 I do n't know how they will respond to my abuse in the chip pan after a few months ' use , but I think they will fare better than other brushes I 've used in the past .
23 They may communicate more fully than they would in real life but this is to my advantage as the reader because it increases my relief and my pleasure .
24 What I have said above relates to my experiences with the Philippine health sector between March 1984 and December 1987 .
25 But I can not honestly say that I find such an analysis applicable to my attitude towards the school authorities .
26 Hence when I went to the Lords in 1965 I sat as a cross-bencher , although periodically , according to my attitude at the time , I was supporting one or other of the two parties and rarely took a cross-bench approach .
27 Obviously , I did not receive an answer to my question from the Scottish Office and , even under the priority written procedure , I have not yet received an answer from the Secretary of State for Transport .
28 ‘ And what brought you to my cottage in the middle of the night , with that story about your tent blowing away ?
29 After I moved to my apartment in the Hotel España I kept hoping I might be able to persuade you to come and share it , or at least to take the one next to mine , which was empty .
30 In addition to my duties in the House , I shall be having further meetings later today .
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