Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] [conj] says " in BNC.

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1 The ITC will closely monitor response to the ad but says it will be difficult to edit out offending elements .
2 Yeah but they just comes up to the door and says to her we 're going away now .
3 He derives much satisfaction from introducing someone to the sport and says : ‘ You do n't need to be strong to play it .
4 Lydia asks me to pass her thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously to the campaign and says that while little has changed in the way of living conditions for the prisoners and their families , the campaigners are confident of their victory .
5 I 've never subscribed to the deification of Nick cave and still do n't subscribe to the theory that says ‘ difficult ’ or ‘ dark ’ music is somehow better than squeaky-clean pop , but ‘ The Mercy Seat ’ and ‘ The Good Son ’ automatically establish a tone of commanding bleakness , Cave scuttling the stage like a wretch possessed and the band striking bunslinger poses .
6 My mum went to the doctor and says to the doctor .
7 The brander also walks calmly up to the horse and says ‘ hullo ’ and gives it a quiet stroke too .
8 The scenario was that there was this normal , everyday family being filmed in their home at their most private moments and , in one scene , where a young boy is being pressurised into getting married , they all leave the room and he turns to the camera and says something like ‘ I 've got to be careful here .
9 Erm it is quite unfair , and illegal , for a shop to try to duck out of their responsibilities to you by pointing to a sign that says no refunds , no money refunded .
10 Brutus compares Caesar to a snake and says that as it is bright day which brings forth the adder it will be Caesar 's crowning that would bring out his bad personality .
11 In a moment of weary despair , he turns to a colleague and says , ‘ It 's like pissing into the wind ! ’
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