Example sentences of "in part a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This criticism was in part a reflection of the call made by the Report of the Committee on Physical Deterioration for greater physical and mental education for adolescents , but it also pointed to the three main criticisms of clubs which were reiterated years later by Freeman : that they could only really provide amusement ; that their positive educational value was small ; and that they failed to reach the mass of boys .
2 Yet this was in part a reflection of the special conditions they faced .
3 As our study has also shown that most subjects who were seropositive in 1969 remained so over the next 21 years , it is probable that the high prevalence of H pylori antibodies seen in elderly subjects is at least in part a reflection of greater exposure to the infection in earlier years .
4 He cast himself as a chairman in the new consensus which is in part a return to the old style of consensus in British politics .
5 This was in part a response to an upsurge in militant opposition to food shortages and profiteering which was simultaneously driving many trade unionists into cooperation .
6 Statutes which prohibit the production of evidence abroad , commonly known as ‘ blocking statutes ’ , many of which have been adopted since the 1978 meeting … , are in part a response to what are perceived in some countries as exorbitant assertions of jurisdiction by the courts of other countries .
7 This development is in part a response to the rapidly growing demand for psychogeriatric services as a result of demographic trends , and in part to an acknowledgment that the multidisciplinary nature of these services needs to be fully reflected in the way they are managed and delivered .
8 The USSR became India 's main external source of weaponry and rendered extensive economic aid ; Soviet support was in part a response to the support that Pakistan received from the Chinese , with whom the Indians had an unresolved border dispute .
9 The open letter , in part a response to this development , galvanized that discussion .
10 The decree was in part a response to months of student protest against the court ruling , some of the strongest of which had occurred in November 1989 .
11 Suharto 's advancement of a pro-democratic line was in part a response to pressure from sections of the armed forces ( ABRI ) .
12 This was in part a response to the demand of Western governments and the UN for a complete restructuring of the entire CILSS system .
13 In part a response to the new international division of labour , a new international labouroriented labour studies is rapidly emerging ( see the bibliography by Waterman and Klatter in Boyd et al. , 1987 ) .
14 A staple feature of Soviet bureaucracy is overlapping responsibility ( particularly at intermediate levels ) : in part a natural consequence of size and complexity , in part a way of ensuring consultation and coordination ; it is also the Party 's tried and trusted technique of divide and rule .
15 She recognized that this feeling was in part a hangover from her schooldays , when her occasional invitations to friends had invariably resulted in sessions of strained discomfort , presided over by the disapprobation , however concealed , of her mother ; she had no precedent for successful hospitality .
16 The development of PNP is in part a story of growing sophistication over such matters in Leeds primary schools .
17 This is in part a function of reduced manning levels on modern ships , particularly container vessels , but it also reflects the flagging out of much of the fleet to flags of convenience .
18 It is less immediately evident that such an understanding should be necessary in order to account for the formal properties of code switching , although I would argue strongly that it is , inasmuch as the extent to which switching may take place is in part a function of the extent to which the codes involved have " fused " within a community , i.e. how interchangeable they are for the different purposes of everyday interaction .
19 It was in part a question of their own self-esteem .
20 Ramey 's focus is much sharper than Willard White 's , and it is only in part a question of vocal quality .
21 It could be argued , however , that if a PhD really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
22 It could be argued , however , that if a Ph D really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
23 In part a history of this conflict , Hooper 's book is a useful English language reference ; and it is also a personal odyssey .
24 Although it is in part a history of corporal punishment , I hope it will titillate . ’
25 The London committee 's acquiescence in 1825 was in part a mark of the force of provincial abolitionist attitudes .
26 Also , of course , the ferment in the universities was in part a revolt against the technocratic role which they had been assigned in the Wilsonian scheme of things .
27 The problem that Hal faces with Falstaff is in part a problem of media .
28 This may be in part a search for higher returns but it must also be a function of the desire to diversify away from the risk of the domestic market .
29 The relationship derives from the way in which Cramlington is in part a product of planning policies directed towards the solution of problems of urban congestion on Tyneside .
30 And on the landward side of all the trenches ( except those between the Solomons and the New Hebrides , where they are on the seaward side ) are the island chains — Japan to New Zealand — whose birth is in whole or in part a consequence of all that colliding and jostling beneath the blue horizons .
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