Example sentences of "in which he [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , there was a curious , rather unnatural gentleness about the way in which he waited for them to come nearer .
2 I am sorry that the Secretary of State was not in the Chamber when the hon. Gentleman ended by saying that his last ambition in politics was to abolish the Department in which he served for eight years .
3 In August 1971 , the same year in which he married for the second time , Canetti 's brother , Georg , was dying .
4 I wrote to a prospective customer of the OALDCE 3/e Electronic on 19 May and faxed to you his letter in which he asked for a copy of the tape suitable for running on an AT&T machine .
5 While one takes into account the concern of Calvin and the reformers for the balance between the light of scripture and the inner light and direction given to individuals an experience vouchsafe for countless times in both the Old and New Testaments also remembering our lord 's own use of silence in prayer and I believe the increasing use of silence in modern worship and may I also say how very impressed I was by Dr 's prayer at the opening of this assembly in which he asked for the guidance of God and indeed your own equally eloquent prayer on Sunday evening Moderator open to the prompting and leading and guiding of God 's spirit .
6 This article was followed by a reply from BC 's finance director , in which he argued for the appropriateness of the Board 's accounting policies .
7 Sometime before Jacques married he had moved from the rue Dauphine St Andre des Arts , where he had lived from about 1714 , to the rue de Seine , in the parish of St Sulpice , where he had a large five-storey house in which he lived for over 40 years until his death in 1763 .
8 Following the Emperor 's address , Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu read a congratulatory statement on behalf of the Japanese people in which he appealed for the construction of a country which was energetic , culturally rich and dedicated to the promotion of international peace and co-operation .
9 The book was never written and his only publications were two pamphlets , A Guide to the Electors of Great Britain , upon the Accession of a new King ( 1820 ) and Letters of Lord John Russell , upon the original formation of the House of Commons ( 1826 ) in which he declared for a thorough reform of the close boroughs he had always represented .
10 Following the imposition of sanctions and the freeze on official exchanges immediately following the Tiananmen Square massacre [ see pp. 36722 ; 36815 ] , Qian Qichen held " frank discussions " with US Secretary of State James Baker at a UN meeting in New York on Sept. 28 , in which he called for practical measures on the part of the USA to improve the situation .
11 A well known right-wing extremist , Gottfried Küssel , was arrested on Jan. 7 after the broadcast of a television interview in the United States in which he called for the restoration of the Nazi Party to power and the creation of a Fourth Reich .
12 As part of the process of opening up to the West , Kim used the occasion to give an interview to the Washington Times in which he called for improved relations with the USA and said that he wished to see a US embassy established in the capital , Pyongyang , " as quickly as possible " .
13 Li Ximing , a politburo member and senior CCP official for Beijing , published an article in the Beijing Daily of July 14 in which he called for an acceleration of economic reform along capitalist lines .
14 But last Thursday he made a spectacular return with a speech to party militants in Montlouis , on the outskirts of Tours , in which he called for a political ‘ big bang ’ in order to bring about the emergence of a new centre left party as part of a recomposition of the whole of the French political scene .
15 Last Thursday , however , he made a spectacular return with a speech to party militants in Montlouis , on the outskirts of Tours , in which he called for a political ‘ big bang ’ in order to bring about the emergence of a new centre-left party as part of a recomposition of the whole of the French political scene .
16 Before I knew Jean-Claude , he had performed a piece for piano in which he repeated for seven minutes a single twelve-note phrase at thirty-second intervals .
17 During the Exclusion Parliaments , in which he sat for Arundel , he opposed the exclusion of the Duke of York ( later James II ) : instead , he demanded measures against popery , frequent Parliaments , the disbandment of the army , and the uniting of the Protestants .
18 Both in that body , in which he sat for London , and in its enlarged council of state , he was highly active , and clearly one of the leaders of an emerging radical faction .
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