Example sentences of "in which i [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What I wanted ideally was a situation in which I had two groups of birds , each trained on and showing the disgust response to the bitter bead , but one group then remembering and the other forgetting the association .
2 After O-levels there was still a month of term to go , a month in which I had ample time to devote myself to my obsession .
3 It was a strange land to find myself in and one in which I observed many phenomena .
4 He told the delegates that he was " tired of the impossible state of affairs in which I suffer bitter attacks from the outside … while I am also attacked by colleagues at home who sing the daily chorus of slander and besmirching " .
5 On my first attempt of the Sound and Waves test I managed to score 20 percent , I then decided I had better read the tutorial before my second attempt in which I scored 60 percent .
6 In the two schools in which I spent much of my working life ( one as head , one as assistant teacher responsible for physical education ) the broad aims were almost identical and may be summed up as follows : the creation of a living community of children in which the Arts , music , painting and poetry flourished ; where social awareness came before selfish intolerance ; where the written and spoken word was valued as a means to a more distant educational end rather than as an end in itself ; where understanding of number was regarded as more important than the ability to manipulate figures .
7 I folded it up and put it away in a small carved wooden box in which I kept other trinkets and treasures of no significance to anyone except myself .
8 In the semi-final , in which I ran second , Cameron Sharp was in the lane adjacent to Chidi , who has a side-to-side action with his running which many felt made Cameron run along one of the lines so that he was disqualified .
9 He described One journey to the source of the James River in 1738 in a letter to Collinson , ‘ … over and between the mountains in many very crooked turnings and windings ; in which I travelled 1,100 miles in five weeks , having rested but one day in all that time …
10 So that now , with the dubious benefit of hindsight and a keen awareness that memory and retrospective versions of reality are often skewed , I feel the subjective account must of necessity become part of the ethnography in which I play all of the parts .
11 This chapter , therefore , examines some of the ways in which I conducted this work by focusing on teachers ' appointments and teachers ' work in Bishop McGregor School .
12 ‘ It 's a task in which I stand ready to join John Major whenever he is ready to begin , ’ he said .
13 At times I would wake up in the night , streaming with sweat , from a nightmare in which I relived that terrifying night in Valladolid .
14 But while Manuela was a mirror in which I glimpsed troubling facets of my own personality , hers presented no problems .
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