Example sentences of "in that [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 we can maximise the space if you get in that leg room of about one millimetre or lie down on people 's laps and then we can build or may be even lie down on
2 In that sense nationalism of course er it perhaps becomes a more dynamic and problematic ideology in nineteenth century Europe .
3 What is my earning potential in that golf course for that two or three weeks ?
4 Viktor thought , The keys are clicking in to place in that computer brain of his .
5 And they 've just finished playing in that Championship match at Tuffley Park .
6 ‘ That is n't the impression you gave in that newspaper article about you last week . ’
7 And in that twilight world between waking and sleeping she saw that it was a face she knew , her own .
8 No , I was n't gon na use it , I just could n't leave it in that boarding house for Rachel to unpack .
9 Leastways , he was a distant connection of Councillor Harris , and he had made an enormous success as Cousin Syd in that comedy series on the Light Programme , quite apart from his role in Charlie 's Aunt on Saturday Night Theatre .
10 No doubt he exaggerated ( such was his wont where his conscience was concerned ) ; yet the only news she had received from Em herself had not been happy ; and now — to learn that she had suffered a miscarriage in that desert place at such a time of year , and that she had not felt able to share the grief of it with her own affectionate sister …
11 The desire to live had died three hours before in that village street amid the swirling snow , the volley of rifle-fire and the screams of wounded and dying men .
12 We find in that dialect alternation between standard and non-standard patterns of number agreement , so that a plural subject can co-occur with a singular verb :
13 In that year comparisons of Eliot with Pound were stimulated , and exacerbated , by the publication of what were called the ‘ drafts and transcripts ’ of The Waste Land ; that is to say , the heterogeneous packet of typescripts and manuscripts which Eliot had dumped on Pound in Paris , out of which Pound had helped Eliot to extricate the poem that for forty years had been known under that title .
14 ‘ I was in that telephone kiosk within a minute of the shunt . ’
15 Yeah there 's quite a lot actually in that price range of homes .
16 She looked so slim and young in that cream shawl above her blue taffeta gown , with the pretty frilled bonnet over her gleaming hair ; she had a way of walking , thought the watching girl , with just a little envy … so easy and graceful , even though she was with child .
17 But in that case premultiplication by A gives 0 = AXp = Xp so that p provides a relation different from p between the columns of X , which is impossible .
18 How could I not be when I thought of Mum Lying there in that bed day after day , completely wrecked by Dad having run off with another woman ?
19 There is usually no disadvantage in this , in that interest payments on share-convertible securities will not be treated as distributions within s209(2) ( e ) ( ii ) TA 1988 because of the " let out " provisions of s212 where the holder of the security is a company within the charge to corporation tax .
20 Dunlop appeared to be catching Moodie and he had already put in that record lap of 115.62mph on lap three , but Moodie always had matters well in hand .
21 Although manpower costs in petrochemicals are extremely low by comparative business standards , averaging around six to seven per cent , nevertheless in that area costs of effectively trained manpower are much higher in the Middle East than they are in Europe .
22 ‘ Master Cook ! ’ he said , ‘ I do n't know what was in that flame pot of yours but it undoubtedly saved the day and many noble lives .
23 In that study changes in risk at lower levels seemed to be unrelated to recall performance while at higher levels there was a positive correlation between the two .
24 In times of boom , any high rates which by necessity are being paid on one site , may by discussion with other sub-contractors in that trade result in a demand for similar increases on other sites .
25 And the physis that is being organized for it in technology can , through all its political and factual reality , only be produced in that image sphere to which [ surrealist ] profane illumination initiates us .
26 ‘ If I 'd known what was going on in that house right under my nose … ’
27 In that time burglaries in Gloucestershire have increased by four hundred and forty four per cent , the second highest in the country .
28 ‘ I 'm very sceptical whether the grand aims can be met in that time scale with that amount of money , ’ he says .
29 He could just see it in that box bedroom in Hill View Close , its eyes full of light like some weird toy .
30 I said do n't hold your breath Elaine but if it 's what I think 's in that carrier bag over there it ai n't a voucher , cos they all were saying
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