Example sentences of "in this way [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The 9,714 teacher-days spent in this way during the school year 1988–9 ( a threefold increase since 1985–6 ) reflect a very substantial investment of human and material resources , although it should be added that with about 2,400 primary teachers in the Authority the figures represent a rise from an average of only just over one day 's provision per teacher in 1985–6 to about four days ' provision in 1988–9 .
2 Many an old street name up and down the country was lost in this way during the course of the nineteenth century .
3 But our legal practice is not unilateralist in this way over the broad reaches of the private law that we have mostly been discussing in this book-judges very often decide for the plaintiff , as they did in McLoughlin , when according to conventionalism the plaintiff had no legal right to win .
4 The food produced in this way on the farm was supplemented by marine resources , mussels , limpets and periwinkles gathered on the foreshore , conger eel from the lower shore and whiting taken from the sea ; nets were made on the farm using bone netting needles .
5 The general idea of selecting communities which were interrelated in this way on the dimensions of status and ethnicity was to ‘ match-up ’ linguistic data from the four areas , so as to obtain some fairly detailed information on the linguistic strategies which Belfast people employed as they moved from urban vernacular to slightly higher-status speech patterns .
6 If it 's to be helpful if if Mr is saying on behalf of the Parish Council that by showing it in this way on the key diagram , he feels is prejudicing or the Parish Council 's position is prejudiced at some future date , then it 's to be helpful to that that the County Council is saying it is prepared to show it simply as a an arrow and similarly for consistency it would seem to make sense to show the western in the same fashion .
7 Money is lent and borrowed in this way on the interbank market .
8 The Authors jointly and severally warrant to the Publisher that the Company is entitled to the relevant services of the Authors and is therefore in as position to contract in this way with the Publisher , and that this will continue to be so throughout the period of the Publishing Agreement .
9 ‘ Her friends will be surprised that the Duke has been coupled in this way with the Queen .
10 But there are also contrary examples : the frames around Velazquez 's paintings , for instance , do not harmonise in this way with the formal treatment of the paintings themselves .
11 Small groups could also operate in this way with the teacher matching or mismatching the ability of the group , according to the strategy of learning aimed at .
12 So I have treated quantification here as methodological : it is part of the analytic phase of social dialectology , and it is parallel in this way to the use of quantification and statistics in certain other sciences .
13 London 's later partner in the Brompton Park nursery , Henry Wise [ q.v. ] , was another of Rose 's apprentices , whose influence on the design of formal gardens was handed on in this way to the next generation .
14 Since Manning and Upward are in this way for the moment denied us , I shall make do with two other names : Maurice Hewlett and Laurence Binyon .
15 Some learn in this way for the first time about what goes on inside a university .
16 Continue in this way across the bed , leaving stitches on the needles as you crochet .
17 Position smaller leaves at three and six o'clock , then continue in this way around the clockface until you have made a bed of leaves .
18 If it be objected that no beginning writer shops around in this way among the idioms handed down to him from the past , the evidence is that certain beginning writers do shop around in just this way ; Ezra Pound was one of them , and he is by no means so exceptional as is supposed .
19 The unsigned letter was the first to attack Roy in this way among the 6,000 he has received since his cancer was diagnosed in March .
20 It has been put in this way by the psychologist Richard Walters :
21 It is difficult to believe that the historians were not party to such constructions , although Goody might justifiably envisage that such honourable men as Thucydides would have been shocked if his material had been manipulated in this way by the politicians .
22 For each c ε J we define the value of f at c to be the element unc We denote it briefly by f(c) and refer to the process of obtaining f(c) from f in this way by the ill-chosen but universally familiar expression " substitution of c for x in f " since on the face of it we have just replaced every occurrence of x in f by c .
23 Pension providers are currently being challenged in this way by the existence of new family forms .
24 Is it in order that a new Member of Parliament who has not yet made his maiden speech should be attacked in this way by the hon. Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) ?
25 This is another attempt to waste parliamentary time — already 280 hours has been wasted in this way in the past two decades . ’
26 Most of the square-skulled men I followed in this way in the streets turned out to have very macho faces , conventionally handsome , proud , even disdainful , as if they felt they alone were the lords and masters of the earth .
27 A show flat is preserved in this way in the Karl Marx Hof in Vienna .
28 The mechanism of the ‘ waiting list ’ worked in this way in The Netherlands during the twenty-five years up to 1975 ( Rutherford 1986 ) and the logic of rationing scarce custodial space is at the heart of the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission .
29 There were limits to the range of territory that could be held together in this way in the sixteenth century : towards the end of his life Charles V abdicated and retired to a monastery , leaving his German lands and his title of Holy Roman Emperor to the line of his brother Ferdinand , even though he would probably have preferred to keep the entire empire together and leave it to his son Philip .
30 A particular word-meaning which participates in this way in the meaning of another word will be termed a semantic trait of the second word .
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