Example sentences of "in this [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 Serbia immediately declared the proclamation illegal ( it was later supported in this assessment by the federal government and the federal Collective State Presidency ) , and the Pristina public prosecutor 's office announced that criminal charges would be brought against those Assembly deputies involved .
2 Giving his initial reaction on Feb. 19 , Bush declared that the terms fell " well short of what is required " , being supported in this assessment by the UK , but on Feb. 20 Italy appeared to endorse the Soviet plan , Cabinet Secretary Nino Cristofori announcing that Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti had declared it " perfectly in line " with UN resolutions .
3 The eye must be clean and moist , maintained in this state by the interaction of the tear gland and movable eyelids , whose eyelashes also act as a crude filter against the sun .
4 Before we proceed to the changes brought about in this system by the Yorkist and Tudor sovereigns , certain general observations must be made about medieval administration .
5 During the first month , only one query was raised , in this case by the personnel section , but it was considered important enough to warrant some corrective action .
6 The third Balkan war of the century happened , as wars usually do , because of miscalculation — in this case by the Greater Serbia people , who had underestimated the readiness of non-Serbs to defend themselves .
7 The growing consumer movement , reflected in this instance by the burgeoning of self-advocacy , and the advent of the normalisation movement has impinged very little as yet on these strongly established professional traditions .
8 The ruling was seen as a victory for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and civil rights groups which had challenged the claims to confidentiality , made in this instance by the University of Pennsylvania , as a shield for discrimination .
9 In the event , however , the groups which came to power in most of these countries determined to restore capitalism as quickly as possible , encouraged in this course by the swarms of ‘ free-marketeers ’ who descended upon them , notably from the US , Britain , Germany and the International Monetary Fund .
10 He was presumably influenced in this direction by the churchmen around him , among whom Wilfrid is conspicuous for his known familiarity with the see of St Peter .
11 Forbes was inspired in this direction by the work of Charles Lyell , whose uniformitarian approach to geology stressed the use of observable processes to explain the present state of the earth ( chapter 6 ) .
12 This information has been relayed in this direction by the Cats Protection League .
13 The Library is restricted in its efforts in this direction by the traditional layout of the present Exhibition Room , and it is clearly desirable that , when resources permit , the Library should contrive to have a new Exhibition Room adapted to the requirements of modern exhibitions .
14 Lloyd George was upheld in this division by the votes of Labour and Asquithian Liberal M.P.s who at the time vigorously opposed his repression of Ireland .
15 A list can even rise to evoking the mood of a picture , as in this description by the Goncourt brothers of Chardin 's subjects ; ‘ He introduces into his pictures his wash-basin , his mastiff puppy , the objects and the creatures to which he is accustomed in his home … the pure simple features of the working middle class , happy in its tranquillity , its labour and its obscurity .
16 Douglas was glad to acknowledge Miller 's help and told the Royal Society that he had received some coconuts ‘ germinated in this country by the industrious Mr. Miller , by whose care and skill they were brought to this perfection ; and besides he very freely communicated to me for the good of the publick his own methods in management in raising them which I here desire may be read in his words . ’
17 The industry itself has estimated that 1.75 million cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level wastes will have been produced in this country by the year 2030 .
18 dissenting ) held that the evidence established that the father had subsequently acquiesced in the wrongful removal or retention of the children in this country by the mother , and ordered that the case should be remitted to a judge of the High Court for consideration of the exercise of the discretion which accordingly arose under article 13 as to whether he should decline to order that they be returned to the jurisdiction of the Australian court .
19 If the rates for non-publication in entomology and in the present study are so similar , then extrapolation to other scientific disciplines within the UK university system suggests that far too little importance is attached to the dissemination of research results in this country by the bodies funding such research .
20 If the rates for non-publication in entomology and in the present study are so similar , then extrapolation to other scientific disciplines within the UK university system suggests that far too little importance is attached to the dissemination of research results in this country by the bodies funding such research .
21 RIBA president Richard MacCormack , speaking at the report launch , said : ‘ Even the most conservative estimates suggest we need to build one million new homes in this country by the end of the century .
22 As erm as a doctor , Bill , I have ingrained on my heart Aneurin Bevan 's words when the National Health Service was introduced in this country by the post-war Labour government , against the wishes of my colleagues , and he commented that he would erm cross our palms with silver , and he did that very successfully , with the result that he stifled a lot of opposition amongst some very powerful people , and erm of course when you 're trying to introduce a new scheme such as this and you 're terribly keen that erm it should take off and be successful , you do , of course , cross palms with silver .
23 It has been put in this way by the psychologist Richard Walters :
24 It is difficult to believe that the historians were not party to such constructions , although Goody might justifiably envisage that such honourable men as Thucydides would have been shocked if his material had been manipulated in this way by the politicians .
25 For each c ε J we define the value of f at c to be the element unc We denote it briefly by f(c) and refer to the process of obtaining f(c) from f in this way by the ill-chosen but universally familiar expression " substitution of c for x in f " since on the face of it we have just replaced every occurrence of x in f by c .
26 Pension providers are currently being challenged in this way by the existence of new family forms .
27 Is it in order that a new Member of Parliament who has not yet made his maiden speech should be attacked in this way by the hon. Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) ?
28 In the meantime , the colleges themselves are trying very hard to develop high-level courses , partly for the reasons of ‘ academic drift ’ we have discussed in Chapter 5 , and are supported in this endeavour by the LEAs , who regard them as their prestige institutions , and by the WJEC .
29 That point has been reinforced in this debate by the total failure of the Euro-sceptics to come forward with any positive idea about Britain 's role .
30 An increasing amount of work is still being undertaken in this area by the Secretariat .
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