Example sentences of "in it he [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In it he argued that ‘ Education is a very special public service , with unique needs …
2 In it he argued that " mass democracy " , as opposed to the old liberal democracy of the nineteenth century , was what the age needed , but it had not yet been created .
3 In it he said that the Scottish financial sector did nothing to help the country 's economy , that it benefited only a selected minority , and that it put little back into Scotland .
4 In it he insists that God is in all cases acting through ‘ His minister , Death ’ , even when His intervention appears arbitrary : ‘ entering a careless family , He smites the first-born ; and , as one who will be heard , calls aloud : ‘ Awake thou that sleepest ! ’
5 In it he proclaims that ‘ the avowed objective of twentieth-century social policy is welfare ’ .
6 In it he insisted that ‘ worship requires serious effort , not only in the one who is to lead it , but in those who are to follow it and make it theirs ’ .
7 In it he explained that he would leave the farm in three months ' time .
8 In it he warned that the relaxation of financial and credit policy in force since May had to be reversed to " prevent the collapse of the credit and monetary system " .
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