Example sentences of "in the way [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 He answered prayer not in the way I sought , Nor in the way that I thought he ought , But in his own good way , and I could see , He answered in the fashion best for me .
2 Wilson had to trot briskly , to keep up with his wife ; and he trotted responsibly , because there was no doubt that he was proud of his charge — tall and upright as a Grenadier Guard as she was , and issuing instructions in the way that I imagine a Grenadier might , so that when they were at home her voice would sometimes float right up the road and into our garden , ‘ Wilson !
3 Those who were nervous and struggling with their own feelings did not want to expose their gayness in the way that I had done .
4 I dislike them in the way that I dislike Pre-Raphaelite things .
5 First of all , it might be argued that there is no reason why the man should treat the woman , in fantasy , in the way that I 've described .
6 I also took care to make this little scene , in the way that I have described , appear to be part simply of an illustration of the appalling character of the Maharajah .
7 Erm I have obviously , there 's a generation gap here in the way that I was brought up , and the way that I started marriage thirty years ago .
8 Whether it 's a will whether it 's an intestacy the survivor takes because the survivor can deal with it , in the way that I 've described .
9 There is also a need for the associated amendments to the Treaty of Rome not only to guarantee the sovereignty of the nation State but also to reform the institutions of the EEC — especially the Commission and the Court of Justice — in the way that I have proposed .
10 Many announcements made by the Home Secretary are moving in the way that I have always wanted it to move , and I believe that er , in Wiltshire this will have a very positive effect .
11 Yes erm but I do n't think I 'll ever again buy expensive Christmas presents in the way that I did in the past .
12 whatever your , your in it , and look after it , yes , erm well I do n't think I 'll ever again buy expensive Christmas presents in the way that I did in the past .
13 Well , I move rapidly from these dispiriting erm thoughts erm to say something about the third and last point , the question of memory , because even could the artist recreate , in the way that I 've tried to suggest , through an awareness of time , and through a , a rejection of the intellect , even if he could recreate in this way reality present to him in time , how is he to make contact with the past ?
14 well I 'm in the way cos I 'm sitting having my tea and you 're supposed to be sitting having your tea , but you 're playing lorries
15 ‘ If I had done all six , my new film would have got in the way and I never would have wanted to hold the Darling Buds cast up .
16 The causal connections between early life chances and present opportunities were implicit rather than explicit almost as if people did not want to articulate these except in the ways that I report .
17 I remind her that , following President Yeltsin 's recent visit and the welcome changes in connection with what is a hugely large arsenal of nuclear weapons , the top priority of proliferation at present is to ensure that we take action in the ways that I described in my answer .
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