Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] that it " in BNC.

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1 This order , as its name suggests , was developed as a richer example than the Corinthian , but it is only in the capital that it differs materially .
2 The Somerset captain would have been quite within his rights to have declined to play after 6.30 in the chance that it might rain hard enough on the third day to prevent any play .
3 I think there are perhaps one or two who are very , very aware and are making their own life uncomfortable about it , but I think they 're so much in the minority that it 's the other lot that we should be worrying about .
4 The law is framed widely , in the expectation that it will be enforced selectively .
5 Their aim is to deny the batsman room to play the ball away square of the wicket and wide of the fieldsmen in the V. They occasionally bowl a slower delivery to upset the timing of the batsman who swings uniformly at the ball in the expectation that it will always come on the bat at the same speed .
6 The atomic weapon had been developed in the expectation that it would be used if necessary ; this was made explicit in the Hyde Park agreement signed by Roosevelt and Churchill in September 1944 .
7 He claimed in the press that it set out Government policy , but it was a million miles away from our policy .
8 Amiss detected a note of crossness in the press that it was impossible to pin this murder definitely on the IRA .
9 Yet both in the formation of the National Government and in the decision that it would fight the election as a government the King played an important , perhaps a crucial role .
10 My hon. Friend would then understandably say , ’ How does it come about , then , that North Devon health authority finds itself in the position that it does on this referral ? ’
11 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
12 The principal importance of the decision , however , lies in the support that it affords to the proposition that it is not necessary for the duty of the policeman to be found in a specific rule of the common law or statute .
13 Was it a mania for translating bishops — represented at its oddest in the idea that it was sensible at the age of 73 to move the revered George Bell to one of these sees ?
14 Aided by the media , who have never failed to find an opportunity to slip in the idea that it is Saddam Hussein who wo n't negotiate , the US and its Allies have led their people into a terrifying war which will claim the lives of so many of their sons and daughters .
15 The moral authority of law gets a foothold in the idea that it is rational to give special consideration to views which result from a process of impartial , informed and capable reflection , and this not simply because this process helps us to know more precisely what will promote independently ascertained moral goals but also because it is liable to result in superior judgements about what goals we ought to pursue ( Campbell , 1971 ) .
16 In other words , they must take into account another meaning of the word structure ( see page 70 ) in the sense that it is the basic framework fur the choreographic design .
17 I 'm obsessed by the physical , in the sense that it always works .
18 Easier , in the sense that it bans Germanic tricks to limit the transfer of ownership ; but more difficult by requiring an offer to be made to all shareholders at the same price , once a firm has accumulated 30% of the shares .
19 Thus , even where a sexual assault involves no significant physical force , it constitutes harm in the sense that it invades a deeply personal zone , gaining non-consensually that which should only be shared consensually .
20 I know that girls in magazines are not real , in the sense that it 's the make-up artist , fashion adviser , photographer and stylist who have created them .
21 I think I knew in my heart that once again he wanted to do something ‘ useful , in the sense that it 's got to be done ’ .
22 The presence of maids obviates any need for husbands to undertake traditionally female tasks and so , while a woman following her career does challenge a husband 's machismo in the sense that it gives her some independence ( both economically and socially ) , it does not do so in the sense of changing his role in the home .
23 In this country there is probably no river or wetland which is ‘ natural ’ in the sense that it has never been interfered with by man ; but river systems have two major characteristics which have enabled their wildlife in all its original complexity to survive interference better than most other systems .
24 This practice was upheld in the High Court , where Skinner J. accepted that , in the case before him , the police ‘ honestly and reasonably form[ed] the opinion that there [ was ] a real risk of a breach of the peace in the sense that it [ was ] in close proximity both in place and time ’ .
25 We can now introduce another meaning for that verb ‘ to explain ’ : in this situation , many researchers say that the proportion of females in a job ‘ explains ’ the relationship between the status of the job and absenteeism , in the sense that it accounts for it entirely .
26 In the sense that it is an enquiry method , this is considered sufficient ; extending the analysis to produce a comprehensive information model of an organisation is possible , but this would require the use of additional software and then becomes a more specialised operation .
27 Given reasonable competence , therefore , the latest book about igneous rocks is almost bound to be the best in the sense that it will contain the most up to-date information on a fast moving field .
28 The notion of randomness is especially unclear , in the sense that it has never been defined in any consistent way .
29 Not the threat from the Soviet Union , except in the sense that it has become more serious .
30 It is in fact a belief that , because there is a logical basis for it , the imagined entity becomes real in the sense that it can be of value in dealing with the joys and sorrows of life .
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