Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Minton had first employed the process of colour separation in The Snail that Climbed the Eiffel Tower .
2 There is a spirit in the boy that has smelled the forests .
3 You are going to decide now , by looking at your graph how you could improve this piece of work and I want you to write the target you decide on , it could be more than one , in the space that says I would improve this work by , you 're to write that now please , off you go and while you 're doing that let's get the register done , shh , shh shh , shh Sarah
4 She thought uncharitably that he looked like a gangster , although there was nothing menacing in the smile that played on his lips whenever he addressed Simone .
5 Moszkowicz was a key figure in the consortium that rescued Middlesbrough in the 1986 liquidation crisis but resigned the following year after boardroom differences .
6 Money in the drapes , and in the pottery that had a shelf to itself by the wide , dark wood staircase .
7 Thirty-four passengers were killed in the explosion that followed .
8 At the end of it , Robert Kennedy was dead and McCarthy was defeated in the nervousness that engulfed American politics , leaving Hubert Humphrey to battle for the White House with Richard Nixon .
9 % femur heads digested : the numbers of femur heads present in the sample that show some evidence of digestive corrosion compared with the total numbers of femur heads in the sample .
10 SIMON OSBORN smashed in the goal that shot Crystal Palace to their sixth straight win — and grabbed the spotlight from young Craig Hignett into the bargain .
11 It has been pointed out that there are biases in the system that make it much easier for some interests to be heard than others , and much easier for modifications to the status quo to be vetoed than to be supported .
12 There is no asymmetry in the system that makes one sense more probable than the other .
13 The plaintiff might be an author who is prevented by his injuries from writing or completing a book or there might have been high unemployment in the area and large redundancies in the company that had employed the plaintiff .
14 If the vendor 's business has been successful he will normally wish to sell the shares in the company that operates the business .
15 Mr Neill , whose grandfather founded the company , said : ‘ I am sorry that in the future I will not have any shares in the company that bears my surname . ’
16 Less obviously , a good product will be capable of being handled efficiently by every department in the company that makes contact with it , however slightly .
17 In that time , the giant multinational has bought a 40 per cent stake in the company that runs south Crofty ( which also operates a small mine at Pendarves ) as well as 18 per cent of the shares in Geevor .
18 The plan of his outward life and activities is succinctly given in the Diary that forms the last third of The Woodland Life .
19 The one is in the corridor that goes from the porter 's lodge to the stairs up to .
20 Such a test has not been routinely available in our Department and this could be seen as a shortcoming in the service that has been offered , as well as a limitation to the scope of this study .
21 Well cheet cheety boxes are three s bits of iron , with a chain in the middle that hung over a fire you see ?
22 All I 'm saying is the forms that are mentioned in the procedure that have to go in those wallets ought to be in those colours , so red , so pink .
23 In the reshuffle that followed Brolly 's departure , Lloyd Webber himself moved from being a non-executive to an executive director on the Really Useful board .
24 In the chase that followed two police cars were shot at , and the prosecution says Inspector Paul Kirby was nearly killed when a shotghun blast smashed his winscreen .
25 If it had been possible for the old Castle to grow darker , Grainne thought it would have done so in the hour that followed .
26 Although the teacher may well have introduced this later , and indeed CDL trials did show evidence of this , we decided to include some carefully graded illustrations in the documentation that take the teacher through the type of discussion we would like to see the children taking part in .
27 ‘ Mm , he was quite a bit younger than she was , ’ Simon said thoughtfully , snapping off a dead geranium head in the tub that flowered by his door .
28 In All 's Well Helena goes up to verse whenever she talks of her love for Bertram , moving in and out of prose several times within a scene ( I.i. ; I.iii. ; II.v. ; III.ii. ; III.v. ) , in the flexibility that marks the mid-period plays .
29 It is the same heat in the sun that melts wax and hardens clay , and it is possible , perhaps by the use of indicative signs , to investigate the underlying causes of dissimilar effects .
30 At the direction of his wife he had taken fourteen full days in the sun that beat back from the Indian Ocean 's azure .
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