Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] i have " in BNC.

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1 That is really my position and , unless I believed in it I would not feel justified in the course I have taken .
2 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
3 When I 'm at home in the country I have breakfast at 9 am — cereal , brown toast and tea — and I 'm at my desk by 10 am .
4 this is the story of my life now in the bathroom I have had , I have had to pay a hundred pounds to Mr Butcher the plumber to put in a new shower thing because that was cheap and rough and eventually wore out should never have been put in .
5 In the passage I have just quoted , Lord Templeman said that there must certainly be something more than infringement before the assistance of civil proceedings can be invoked .
6 Lord Reid , who in the passage I have quoted from the Black-Clawson case [ 1975 ] A.C. 591 , 613–615 , supported the maintenance of the rule , in his dissenting speech in Reg. v. Warner [ 1969 ] 2 A.C. 256 , 279 said :
7 Nor is broadening the curriculum in the sense I have suggested the same as ‘ infantilizing ’ it , making it ‘ soft ’ rather than ‘ hard ’ .
8 The falsificationist demands that scientific hypotheses be falsifiable , in the sense I have discussed .
9 I mean , there could I mean I think the House of Commons is now some way past in in my life in the sense I have n't been there since er June .
10 The Escort has been one of Britain 's top-sellers for many years and having tested various examples of the latest in the range I have to give a curate 's egg verdict .
11 In the meantime I have started another novel .
12 In the meantime I have two other documents you and your staff might find useful .
13 In the meantime I have enclosed a statement which we helped to prepare in the run up to the Earth Summit .
14 In the meantime I have returned the draft Contract approved to the vendor 's solicitors providing for a reduced deposit of £2,600 instead of the full 10% deposit of £5,200 and I enclose one part of the Contract for signature by you both where indicated in pencil .
15 In the discussion I have taken the necessity of quantification for granted ( although it sometimes happens in such communities that some patterns of variation are obvious without formal quantification ) .
16 In the village I have known for the last 10 years , they openly regret that things were better under Marcos .
17 While the battle of the mind goes on there is great advantage in the separation I have advocated , for it enables a man to live in the two worlds instead of in hideous confusion .
18 In the past I have had to carry all my stuff with me and that has been a drag .
19 In the past I have overhauled the king pins , etc .
20 In the past I have had to search far and wide for opportunities to fly this wonderful big radial-engined workhorse , and my quest had taken me to Australia , Canada and various parts of the USA ; but now , at last , 45 years after its first flight , we have a floatplane Beaver here in the UK .
21 I have two marine tanks and in the past I have experienced problems with dead spots in my undergravel filtration due to the amount of tufa rock used for decor .
22 In the past I have done many portraits on commission — the last was Lord Flowers of Imperial College , London — but nowadays I will not accept commissions .
23 In the past I have come across complaints from editors that they have received old material .
24 ‘ It 's all rather complicated and I do n't really know , but whatever happened in the past I have an obligation to look after Beryl .
25 In the past I have lived in a large Victorian house and a 1930s semi-detached .
26 In the past I have co-ordinated some very successful projects with various authorities and funding bodies , and I have not had any trouble .
27 In the past I have co-ordinated some very successful projects with various authorities and funding bodies , and I have not had any trouble .
28 I 'm not changing my tune , Councillor Wyle knows that in the past I have actually offered to go with them when they 've made erm , visits to the minister , and when he said , we we we tried , but we never got anywhere , and on various issues I 've said , well perhaps if we got us an all party delegation , at least we could have done no worse .
29 But I have to admit that in the past I have been offended by people saying that it 's just formula for me to play melodies and structures that come to me very naturally .
30 I know I know in the past I have er ten percent or something .
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