Example sentences of "in the [noun] [verb] given " in BNC.

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1 Nor are all bruises evidence of battering : I have vivid memories of my own older daughter 's accident-proneness in her earlier years ( she is possibly the only individual in the country to have given herself two black eyes by collision with a holy-water stoup ! ) and on one or two occasions her appearance would inevitably , today , have landed her on the " At risk " register .
2 And remember , too , the lessons in scientific death that we in the West have given throughout this bloody century .
3 A major reason for this unconcern is that various fraudsters who have operated in the field have given ESP a bad name : underfunded scientists have far better things to investigate than a phenomenon which seems , on the basis of the available evidence , to be nothing more than a farrago .
4 The 5ft 6in speedster felt he was persona non grata throughout Dave Stringer 's five years in charge at Carrow Road , but Mike Walker 's arrival in the summer has given him a new lease of life .
5 On May 17 , local leaders meeting with SNM representatives at the town of Burao in the north-east had given their support to the secession ; according to Le Monde of May 16 and 21 , SNM leaders favoured a federalist solution but had bowed to this grasssroots opinion .
6 It is also a moment of generalisation for the twenty-one-year-old second mate who on this voyage from Australia , carrying grain and bent on winning the famous gain-race , had had to contend with an arrogant and hostile captain and who had cast off his boat , after a collision in the dark had given a mortal blow to the Blackgauntlet and he had waited in vain for orders .
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