Example sentences of "in my [noun pl] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 Closing my eyes in the gloom I could still feel Helen in my arms and I smiled to myself at the memory of her bounding healthiness .
2 To Timothy his dear dad great mercy and peace to you from God the father and Christ Jesus our Lord I give thanks to the God of my forefathers who I worship with a clear conscience when I mention you in my prayers as I do constantly night and day .
3 These pieces speak to me of boundless beauty and passion and I rejoice in my tears but I use them too , intuitively , when I feel depressed or despairing , to release tears .
4 Erm I 'd like to refer to my page three or er section four in my conclusions because I think if I if I heard Professor Lock correctly I think he and I are at one in in a suggestion which is is put to you in in if you like without prejudice to the generality of what I have been saying in support of the council 's policy .
5 I was wearing the shoes , as ill-fitting as ill-gotten , and the pain in my feet as I pounded the pavements was excruciating .
6 I had just time to think what a help he was being when another boot landed in my guts and I gasped for air .
7 Indeed , on Saturday afternoon , as he had relaxed with his team-mates at their hotel hideaway he had confided : ‘ I 'm due to score , I want to score , I feel it in my bones that I will score . ’
8 I felt a cold thrill in my bones when I realized the implications of the word ‘ hunters ’ — perhaps those men were Franco 's secret police ?
9 That was n't counting what I had in my pockets when I was arrested .
10 So he said erm I said to the woman I went to the court this morning so he said when you explain to me he said I 've got money in my pockets cos I borrowed it from dad tha he said I owed sixty two pound so he said I said to the woman in the court how can I pay this the sixty two pounds when you 've frozen my account ?
11 She 's made me more responsible and I 've done better in my exams and I 've worked at my English .
12 Erm you 'll see sir in my submissions that I 've proposed a rewording of criterion three so that the Greater York new settlement should be located as close to the outer boundary of the as of the York greenbelt as is consistent with greenbelt policy .
13 I mean no was ringing in my ears but I could n't say that .
14 Later I descended with the songs of the skylarks still in my ears and I listened to the grumbling of the men in the mist of the grey streets .
15 Then , one morning in my twenty-third year on the island , I was out in my fields and I saw the smoke from a fire .
16 Just for a moment the sun was in my eyes and I could n't see properly .
17 I was terrified she might see the guilty look in my eyes for I am the man who lost the English Calais .
18 The smell of burning plastic stayed in my nose and the bright glare of the burning mixture danced in my eyes as I hurried to the next hole , glancing at my watch as I did so .
19 It was the day I had taken my last exam in my finals so I was on a high anyway .
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