Example sentences of "in which it [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The second obstacle was the nature of China itself ; the geographical size of the country , the way in which it traditionally operated , and , above all , its disunity .
2 We may usefully draw an analogy here with the women 's movement in which it soon became apparent that if the real extent and nature of sexual oppression were to be understood , and services appropriate to real needs struggled for , feminist psychologies which recognised the individual consequences of collective oppression , and traced their causes beyond the individual to the mechanisms of that oppression , would have to be developed .
3 The leopard 's spots provided excellent camouflage in the wide range of habitats in which it successfully lived .
4 The Catechism was considerably in advance of the thinking of average Nonconformists in England and Wales and reflected more the thinking of the self-appointed leaders than the followers ; this was especially the case in the section on the church in which it emphatically taught the existence of a visible Christian Church and not an invisible ‘ union ’ of believers , a very ‘ high ’ doctrine .
5 Conscious that , if this buying-out aspect of the report was to be approved by the Committee the Club would , in losing its bondholders , also lose the long-term continuity and stability on its Committee previously created by their existence , Robert Naish 's Sub-Committee incorporated a contentious recommendation ( in which it fervently believed ) so as to ensure a measure of long-term Committee continuity .
6 But they were undoubtedly a constructive way of bringing labour and capital together to resolve their problems peacefully in an atmosphere of mutual recognition and compromise.For this reason , given that employers and governments were willing to accept that trade unions had a function and that they had come to stay , they appeared to the Labour Department of the Board of Trade as its functions developed in the early years of the twentieth century , to be especially useful in dealing with some of the conflicts between labour and capital in which it increasingly became involved .
7 The Court of Auditors , the EC 's financial supervisory body , issued a report on Dec. 13 , 1989 , in which it strongly criticized the Commission for slack supervision of the distribution of grants and subsidies to farmers and to commercial food producers .
8 For an article in an anthology , for instance , you need to keep details of the journal in which it originally appeared .
9 In 1986 , the Home Office , under a previous Home Secretary , published a White Paper in which it explicitly rejected the proposal to introduce a new crime of prison mutiny .
10 Change in habitat was not the only pressure the orang-utan faced in the three islands in which it now lived .
11 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
12 Congress ( I ) nevertheless remained short of a majority in the Rajya Sabha in which it now held 115 out of 237 seats ( with eight seats vacant ) .
13 It took its products to the southern USA , where lightweight machinery ( in which it then specialised ) was particularly suitable because soil conditions were sandier and so easier to work .
14 Ramsey confessed that they had done a lot of harm and ought to apologize but said that the best of them were trying to , and that the Church of England ought to apologize to the high churchmen for the way in which it sometimes treated them .
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