Example sentences of "in his [noun sg] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 The people in his past had been real once but , although that was a very long time ago , he had never been able to forget them or what they had done to his life .
2 Lorton was relieved that the clutch gave him no trouble : the wound in his leg had been designed to scare him , not to incapacitate him .
3 Some of the aces found this lionization distasteful ; the modest Boelcke , visiting the opera on leave , was mortified and fled from the house after a special verse in his honour had been inserted in the midst of an aria .
4 He had declined an invitation to dinner , as the stabbing pains in his head had been getting steadily worse throughout the day .
5 She was here , in her father 's empire , because he for once in his life had been forced to accept that he was just as weak and vulnerable as any other human being .
6 Whatever else he was , he was not in love with Janice — unless that moment in his office had been a mere innocent slip .
7 His attachment to the ‘ theory of courage ’ made him believe that the Western world in his lifetime had been short not of wit or of strength , but of will .
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