Example sentences of "in a [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 He could n't understand this exuberant friendliness in a boy he 'd only had a glimpse of twice .
2 James Weenes , in a conversation he had with the wife of a London weaver in September 1690 , expressed his opinion that William was " a Dutch Dogg and an Usurper " , who " like a Villain came and took the Crowne from the head of his Father " , and also that " the nobility was a parcel of Rogues and all of them lived as high as Kings .
3 Edouard came into her body with a feeling of shuddering release and the afternoon seemed to pass in a dream he had had , or she had had long before .
4 ‘ Preston , ’ said Polly , when she came down from putting the twins to bed and in a tone he had come to recognise over the years .
5 ‘ I wish you 'd take me with you , ’ said Aelis from under the shadow of her tangled golden hair , in a tone he had never heard from her before .
6 He 'd disliked anyone complimenting me and when I 'd done well in a race he 'd found it difficult to offer congratulations .
7 After years he had lost his oldest and best friend but in a way he had always despised friendship ; families were what mattered , more particularly that larger version of himself — his family ; and while seated in the same scheming fury he saw each individual member gradually slipping away out of his reach .
8 The problem of the prophecies was solved albeit in a way he had scarce expected .
9 She remembered him laughing kindly as he said this , because he liked Joe , he liked Joe very much ; but at the same time he felt guilty about him , because in a way he had made use of him as a sort of cover .
10 Paul VI was from then on unable to identify himself with the ‘ progressives ’ in a way he had managed hitherto .
11 He made things difficult for her in a way he had n't done with me .
12 To which Thorkel Fóstri had answered in a way he had not expected .
13 He looked down at her , at her out-thrust chin and flashing eyes , and , to her surprise , he laughed , really laughed , in a way he had not done before .
14 Earlier today she 'd been jealous because he 'd smiled at the three women in a way he 'd never smiled at her .
15 The King , he decided , ‘ must wrestle with himself in a way he has never done before , and if he will let me , I will help him .
16 In a way he has moulded himself on the likeness of Ben Hogan .
17 In a minute he had returned with Oliver .
18 It was the sixth time in a year he 'd been a victim of crime , but this time the culprits , two youths , had been arrested .
19 First there 's Gary Harris … four seasons in a row he 's been in the English boys team …
20 Three times in a row he has been champion jockey but his achievement in 1992 , re-wrote the record books and wo n't be equalled by anyone else for a long time to come , if ever .
21 In a jiffy he had dropped silently onto the flowerbed below .
22 In a stroke he had become the most famous footballer in the much fancied Scotland side .
23 However , it turned out in the end that he was basically correct , though in a manner he had certainly not expected .
24 Paul folded the letter away in a box he had .
25 Although Geoffrey appeared to be absorbed in a book he had picked up , she had no doubt that he had at least one ear open to the conversation .
26 He lived in Notting Hill Gate , in a house he 'd bought cheaply in the late fifties , which he now seldom left , touched as he was by agoraphobia , or , as he preferred it , ‘ a perfectly rational fear of anyone I ca n't blackmail ’ .
27 For a boy who only worked part-time in a supermarket he had too much money , and this was another source of innuendo from Mrs Frizzell .
28 In what purports to be his will ( 9 May 1313 ) , which is singular in style , Schorne spoke of old age and rendered to God what was God 's ( his soul ) , to the earth what was the earth 's ( his body , in a tomb he had designated before the high altar of North Marston ) , and his goods to be divided between intercessors and the poor , for the welfare of his soul .
29 When he had found out that Mike lived in a flat he 'd invited him to come and enjoy their garden any time , but without really expecting to see him .
30 In a moment he had gripped her hand in his and was pulling her away from the bale on which she had been resting .
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