Example sentences of "in the [noun] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The whole atmosphere of thinking in the West is that Britain and America have defined what being young is all about .
2 A strange fact about those of us who live in the West is that we always seem to want more than we have .
3 Our problem in the West is that we have forgotten where food comes from , and therefore we ignore its real value .
4 Amdahl has laid off another 150 manufacturing employees in Sunnyvale , and word in the Valley is that more may go in May .
5 Amdahl Corp last week laid off another 150 manufacturing employees in Sunnyvale , and word in the Valley is that more may go in May .
6 Implied in the diagram is that one LECTURER can give more than one COURSE ( Fred , for example , gives business studies and computer science ) and one COURSE is given by more than one LECTURER ( maths by Tom and Dave , for example ) — a many-to-many relationship .
7 The crucial element in the system is that it should be modular .
8 A further weakness in the system is that the government , when setting limits for expenditure which can be as far as two years in the future , has to make realistic assumptions about projected inflation .
9 The word in the mess is that a review of the highly controversial changes is imminent and the 12-year-old malts are standing by for opening in early May .
10 The reason for such lack of jurisdiction to review in the court is that an eleemosynary corporation is governed by a system of private law which is not of ‘ the common known laws of the kingdom ’ but the particular laws and constitutions assigned by the founder .
11 ‘ The reason for the sharp rise in the price is that Warburgs wants to buy 5,000 shares and nobody wants to sell . ’
12 The reply by the minister was a direct echo of Mary Carpenter : ‘ The principle behind this provision in the bill is that parents should be required — if their means so permit — to pay for their child 's board and lodging , so that they are in no way better off as a result of the child 's being in care . ’
13 What it says in the Bill is that the Government will use its best endeavours and that 's not a guarantee .
14 ‘ The essential affirmation in the poem is that a young woman should preserve her virginity , again nothing remarkable .
15 I think quite a lot of it , erm , books have n't mentioned this er frustrated erm feeling in the grant is that she 's come out
16 A recurrent theme in the literature is that the position of business in relation to government differs from that of other interest groups by virtue of the possession by companies of ‘ real ’ power — social decision-making power as it has been termed above .
17 However , the reason for linguistic interest in the maxims is that they generate inferences beyond the semantic content of the sentences uttered .
18 One of the principles in the Act is that the severity of the sentence should reflect the seriousness of the offence .
19 Now the mission to Colesfield was with the crew that you have pictures , have the picture of , as you look at the picture from left to right standing in the back is or I should say , , , and his home town was Louisiana , he was a waste gunner .
20 The result for n = 1 is found by letting n tend to unity which shows that the second term in the expression is while the first term is zero .
21 The most tragic and outrageous aspect of the tuna/dolphin story in the ETP is that the practice of encircling dolphins to catch tuna is entirely unnecessary .
22 What can be adopted at a slower pace is the implementation of T.Q.M. practices , and the tools and techniques , but the experience of those in the USA is that the dire need for change brought about the most successful results .
23 What can be said in the meantime is that , in the current climate at Celtic Park , this internal strife is a hindrance the manager could certainly have done without .
24 ‘ The problem in the UK is that people associate the word premium with strength , when what it really means is quality , ’ explains Karsten .
25 The problem with implementation in the UK is that the Unfair Contract Terms Act already regulates various types of contractual relationships , namely freely negotiated commercial contracts , commercial contracts on standard terms and conditions and consumer contracts whether or not freely negotiated .
26 Indeed , even its strength in the UK is as yet in question .
27 Outside London , nowhere in the UK is as well served by research libraries as the University of Edinburgh .
28 ‘ But I think that the general feeling in the village is that the station is going to close anyway and that the decision has virtually been made .
29 One of the problems in the US is that the restrictions on children and teenagers seeing certain types of film have traditionally been looser than in Britain .
30 The generally-accepted explanation for welfare payment levels in the South is that they are , and have been , low because of : the relative poverty of the southern States , which would call for a high fiscal effort if payments equivalent to those made further north were to be offered to the larger number of poor there ; the electoral safety of the Democratic party with regard to the southern State legislatures and governorships , for over a century — sustained by discriminatory practices which prevented many blacks becoming registered voters despite their legal achievement of civil rights ; and the widespread belief among southern whites in the racial inferiority of blacks — who are the main recipients of welfare benefits coupled with the perceived work-disincentive effects of substantial payments and the encouragement to have even larger , and thus more dependent , families than they are believed to provide .
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