Example sentences of "in the [noun] he give " in BNC.

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1 Professor Moule may not be right in the interpretation he gives to these four verses .
2 In the hall he gave the dog a command which saw Azor trot off somewhere , and then Ven was striding towards the drawing-room door .
3 But there is some instability in the accounts he gives of dark professions of faith , in his acerbities and fatalities .
4 There are a great number of anomalies in the accounts he gave .
5 There was little apology in Luke 's voice or in the look he gave the other man , and Fred laughed .
6 As Betty talked about the rain of the previous days the builder spoke briefly of water tables ; as she deplored the unemployment in the principality he gave a succinct resumé of the economic situation ; as , somewhat at a loss , she praised the sun for now shining , Emyr described in a few words how it would eventually burn itself out .
7 I only read a little in the books he gave me , picked up what I could .
8 In the end he gave up trying to analyse his own feelings , or even totally understand them , and lay there relaxed , listening for the slow , regular breathing of sleep , and was n't sure if he detected it or not — The door opened briefly at one point and a young man 's voice said " Shit , " but Graham did n't even turn to look ; he knew it could be nothing which would disturb them .
9 ‘ I would n't count on that , ’ Roman said almost lazily , but there was nothing languid in the glance he gave Claudia .
10 He grew large and plump and round-cheeked , but he was without kittenish ways as if his sad experience had robbed him prematurely of his youth , yet when he sat on Lyn 's lap in the evenings he gave himself up to a drowsy and contented purring .
11 It is in the seller 's interest to be selective in the information he gives the buyer , emphasizing the car 's good points and downplaying its defects , since this would raise the price he will receive .
12 The residential workers found him evasive in the account he gave of his actions and feelings .
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