Example sentences of "the men at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The menacing tone of Luke 's voice caused a few of the men at the bar to stiffen expectantly : they could sense trouble coming .
2 The men at the bar moved to give him room .
3 A superbly organised defence has been the key factor so far and even now at the zero hour , the men at the back are steeling themselves for a final defiant gesture .
4 Yes it 'd be just be the men at the graveyard .
5 PETER Cameron-Webb , one of the men at the centre of the largest Lloyd 's scandal in history , yesterday failed in the Appeal Court to overturn a judgment against him for £5million .
6 And this could be a major blow for Oslear and colleagues Ken Palmer and John Hampshire , the men at the centre of the ball-changing drama .
7 Now , the former wife of the Earl of Cassillis is considering bringing a private civil prosecution against the men at the centre of case .
8 the men at the top of organizations will tend to be ambitious , shrewd and possessed of a non-demanding moral code .
9 I was used as an enforcer in those days and the men at the top wanted it stopped .
10 The men at the ramparts had often tried in vain to tempt one of the stray artillery bullocks near enough to capture it , but at long last , towards the end of the first week of September , an old horse was captured at the banqueting hall and put to death .
11 So in 1877 the men at the Middleton Iron Company were given their notice , though they stubbornly clung to short-time employment until 1883 when the plant was shut down completely until 1897 .
12 The men at the guns stayed alert .
13 ‘ Long before my time , when my great-grandmother was a young girl , she would bring the men at the mill their dinners hot under a covered tray , ’ he said earnestly .
14 Polanski was also known to some of the Hollywood crowd through its inter-connection with the swingers of London and the skiing crowd who populated Gstaad and Aspen , notably his friendship of one of the men at the hub of the English scene , Victor Lownes , the cool , urbane and towering figure whom Hugh Hefner had appointed vice president of Playboy International and despatched to London to oversee the new playboy Club in Park Lane .
15 I walked alongside the men at the head of the column and soon learned they were the Black Watch , a well-known Scottish regiment .
16 The men at the head of coalition Liberalism were therefore execrated as dangerous .
17 One of the men at the head of the table brought his hand down hard on the table-top and the sound ceased .
18 ‘ So , we are agreed , ’ said one of the men at the head of the table .
19 One of the men at the head of the table rose , his glass in his hand , the gold of his ring clinking against the crystal .
20 By now the men at the window had fixed bayonets , and fell upon the invaders , driving them back temporarily until sheer weight of numbers decided the issue .
21 As the Russians entered , the men at the windows would abandon their posts , whilst their comrades behind the table fired a final volley .
22 He says the men at the base enjoy it and they 're expecting forty to fifty thousand visitors .
23 Or would he join the men at the roadblock on the bridge ?
24 One of the men at the roadblock , bored , dropped a stick into the water and watched it float under the span .
25 The men at the frontier post do n't seem to have covered themselves with glory either .
26 ‘ Wait for the beer , ’ he said , and while they waited exchanged jovial insults with the men at the counter .
27 She pretended not to see David Rosen who appeared on the step as they drove off to talk to the men at the place where they gathered before work .
28 There 's no prospects for instance for the men at the moment without strong negotiations .
29 Unfortunately , he followed this up with some unkind comments about — ‘ A lot of bleeding convicts ! ’ — which was heard by enough of the men at the front to turn the yard into a snarling cockpit again .
30 When they were close enough they threw the ropes up to the men at the front of the crowd , and all of them pushed from behind .
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