Example sentences of "the four [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although one suspects that the extreme rural and intermediate rural areas would be reduced in area if the same exercise were repeated for the 1981 census ( unfortunately it has n't and anyway would be difficult to do so since local authority boundaries have changed since 1971 ) , the analysis did allow Cloke ( 1978 ) to compare degrees of rurality between 1961 and 1971 , and to produce a three-fold typology of rural areas that were becoming increasingly non-rural , were static or becoming increasingly rural , and to produce maps of these three types for each of the four rural areas shown in Figure 5.5 .
2 The four new members elected to serve on the Executive Committee
3 Among them are the four remaining pictures shown by Betty Parsons , whose checklist notes seventeen works , the complete set of five White Paintings conceived in 1951 and recreated , under Rauschenberg 's instructions , by Brice Marden in 1968 , twelve Black Paintings , three gold leaf paintings , fifteen collages created in Rome and North Africa in the last months of 1952 , and thirteen box sculptures incorporating stones , thorns , an insect and other material .
4 The four principal areas identified by CentCom 89 were : 1 ) Communication and Human Rights/Ethics ; 2 ) Communication and Theology ( particularly the introduction of communication courses in theological education ) ; 3 ) Communication and Development ; 4 ) Media Education .
5 Figures 5.20(a-d) show the four principal components derived from analysis of a Landsat MSS image of a semi-arid area in Northern Chile .
6 The four distinct types built in Gwent , Glamorgan , Powys and Dyfed are covered with localised variations in siting of doorways and fireplaces .
7 His comments came at the start of the monthly meeting of Castlereagh Council last night where members stood for a minute 's silence in tribute to the four Catholic workmen killed in Castlerock and the two young victims of the IRA Warrington blast .
8 However , the four Basque deputies elected in October for United People ( HB ) had still not taken up their seats , and the Constitutional Court confirmed in a ruling on March 29 that they would not be permitted to do so unless they swore the conventional oath of allegiance to the Constitution [ see p. 37135 ] .
9 Michael Saltmarsh , owner of one of the four private beaches left in the country , at Croyde Bay , Devon , argues that his business has suffered because of contamination of the beach and the coastal waters .
10 Some , from lower viewpoints , gave glimpses of the faceted dome that covered the expanse of space ; others looked down and revealed the four tiny figures balanced a hundred metres above a vast , circular , grey plain .
11 It was clearly a site of some importance and it is not impossible that Rochester was the centre of one of the four Kentish kingdoms mentioned by Caesar , although by the time of Claudius ' invasion these kingdoms appear to have been united under one ruler .
12 In the four major faunas known from that time , from Scotland , Brazil , Argentina and India rhynchosaurs account for 30 to 70 per cent of specimens collected .
13 This means waste matter can not be discarded through the system known as the biliary tree , one of the four major vessels connected to the liver .
14 In the four general elections held since independence the turnover of MPs has been as much as 50 per cent .
15 Three generalizations can be drawn about voting behaviour in the four general elections held in the period from 1950 to 1959 :
16 With offal mounting up from the four million cattle slaughtered in Britain each year , the developing countries are an obvious target for the rendering companies in desperate need of new markets .
17 Chapter 10 explained that although the four macroeconomic objectives listed earlier are each related in some manner to the level of demand , the relationship is by no means uniform or in the same direction .
18 But one is constantly struck by the author 's insatiable interest in the whole range of sculptural production , which refused to allow him to ignore the ceramics made under the influence of sculptors , the bronze door handles of the Hill Music Room or even the four terminal busts attached to the bookcase in the office of the Keeper of Antiquities .
19 These can be displayed , cleared or have the four basic operations performed on them allowing eleven different sums to be carried out simultaneously .
20 The photographs shown here illustrate the four basic steps taken in building up a design .
21 Finally , although support for the strike call was not very strong across the four local ballots held in the ‘ in-between ’ group , solidarity was high in the early months , and remained so in Durham and Northumberland until the dispute 's end ; in the other three fields , however , support waned , with most Cumberland miners back at work by the end of 1984 , alongside about half of their contemporaries in North Derbyshire and Lancashire .
22 That is , for the physicists who are trying to establish a single theory that embraces all the four fundamental forces known to take part in shaping the physical Universe as we know it .
23 Each of the four fragranced oils used here are combined with purified tonic water and henna extract .
24 His standing in the City at the Restoration was such that he was invited , with Sir Balthazar Gerbier [ q.v. ] , to design the four triumphal arches erected for Charles II 's coronation progress and to organize the celebrations on the Thames for Charles and Queen Catherine in 1662 .
25 The four Cambodian factions represented on the all-party Supreme National Council ( SNC ) had met in Beijing , the Chinese capital , on Nov. 7-8 in what was widely regarded as a last-ditch attempt to save the UN plan from virtual collapse .
26 Meanwhile , the Socialist Party , one of the four smaller parties represented in the assembly , announced last night that it would also be backing Mr Havel 's candidacy .
27 Today when the four younger boys left for school , Jack helped himself to another cup of tea .
28 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
29 After a general introduction to the qualifications , three workshop groups looked in more detail at each of the four optional areas included in the general SVQs : .
30 Of the four different methods suggested below , the first is the best .
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