Example sentences of "the end of [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is not entirely clear why the end of such features grows for a period and then is recurved back towards the coast .
2 At the end of such evenings he found his own bed alone , walking through blackened courts where once Saracen climbers had run with fire among the poisoned and the dying .
3 The profit and loss accounts and balance sheets of the Vendor relating to the Business for the two financial years ended on the Balance Sheet Date give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Vendor and of the Business during and at the end of such years .
4 Can I ask generally , how did you feel at the end of that negotiations .
5 Work on signalling on the layout is still being carried out and when finished will mark the end of many years of effort .
6 That had been a futile crusade , he knew now , but it was better than the lie Seth offered , the lie that concealed the end of all things .
7 The assassination by a Korean of the resident general , Itó Hirobumi , during a visit to Manchuria in 1909 , marked the end of all attempts at conciliation and became the excuse for annexation .
8 After what seemed an age , Rubber Feet moved off towards what they call the Lavatory Tower ( not what it sounds like ) , Leather Feet must have figured I 'd gone inside the Cath because he pattered off up the steps , which of course meant the end of all hopes of returning to my refuge via the Crypt .
9 This morning twenty five thousand festival-goers began making their way back to their respective homes at the end of all points of the compass .
10 ‘ Now I want him to have more shots on goal and get on the end of more chances . ’
11 Written with style , as much to entertain as to inform , the CHAMBERS BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY 's features include : guides to the pronunciation of difficult and foreign names suggestions for further reading , at the end of most biographies selections from all countries and every historical era 36-page subject index rigid slip-case for protection THE CHAMBERS BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY sells for £29 , but it will be yours to keep , ABSOLUTELY FREE , when you join The Folio Society .
12 I know I was sadder than at the end of most commissions when we finally broke up the team in the refreshment room of Waterloo Station after we had left the ship in Southampton .
13 When other staff are away Margaret appears to be left keeping the ship afloat by answering messages , doing jobs that are not really hers , and by the end of most days she is usually totally exhausted .
14 The questions posed by the existence of the asylums thus remained as unanswered at the end of these closures as they had been at the inception of their planning in 1978 , when NETRHA officers too were also beginning the difficult task of addressing them .
15 If we take these as emblematic of the human condition , the morals drawn at the end of these tales look conspicuously , even deliberately , inadequate .
16 Detailed examples of structured and unstructured CPE can be found in the examples at the end of these guidelines .
17 At the end of these deliberations there are likely to be discrepancies between committee recommendations and the target guidelines .
18 At the end of some years of this ding-dong invention and counter-invention , the current version of both the missile and its antidote will have attained a very high degree of sophistication .
19 It is the end of some illusions .
20 She should have followed her instincts and remembered what Debbie had written at the end of those notes , taken them as a warning and run as hard and as far as she could away from this Capricorn man !
21 That would be the end of any engagements elsewhere , just when he was beginning to get back on the international circuit .
22 If , at the end of several hours ' watching , I can walk into the Guitarist studio and sit behind the desk with any confidence at all , then I shall declare the whole operation a complete success .
23 It was during the filming of the opening titles for the last ‘ Marti ’ series for the B.B.C. Dressed in a red chiffon evening gown , high heels and lead-weighted knickers , I had to sit on a rock at the bottom of a tank full of sharks , smiling and brushing my hair , while Duncan swam past with a plywood plaice bearing the immortal words ‘ End of Part One ’ ( it could have been the end of several parts ! ) .
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