Example sentences of "the same [noun] as they " in BNC.

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1 Retired STG employees and those retiring before privatisation or before the end of any transitional period will have their pensions provision fully secured so that they will receive the same pensions as they would have received from the Scottish Transport Group .
2 ‘ I want people to come and see me playing Billy , not Adrian Boswell , in the same way as they went to watch Michael Crawford , not Frank Spencer . ’
3 Exercise has not been included in this because too few people have a history of exercise attempts in the same way as they have diet attempts .
4 Several Members told me that most still speak in much the same way as they did before the cameras were introduced , and that is certainly my own impression when I watch them on television .
5 Boy was not surprised at the kind of sex they had , because he had already learnt never to assume that people made love in the same way as they talked .
6 Environmental intangibles have been built into the cost-benefit analysis in the same way as they are for road schemes .
7 Yet the point of this short section has been to establish that where the jurists did face similar problems in coping with defective trust dispositions , they proceeded in very much the same way as they had done with legacies .
8 In the end , leaders will be supported in the same way as they always have been : by winning people to Christ , who then begin to tithe their income in order to support and set free their leaders for full-time work in the church .
9 Remember that it 's perfectly natural for the other fish to eat the fry and that unless you take steps to prevent it , the fry will have to take their chances in the same way as they would in the wild .
10 The proposals would also allow SFA members to categorise registered persons dealing with overseas private clients who are unable to claim compensation under the scheme , in the same way as they categorise registered persons dealing with other clients ( eg business or professional ) not able to claim under the scheme .
11 Unsurprisingly , Mr Horner 's solution is for accountants to call in environmental experts , in much the same way as they now call in surveyors for property valuations .
12 Careful descriptions of speech are necessary because people 's beliefs about their actual linguistic behaviour are often very inaccurate ; many people think they speak in the same way as they write but , in fact , no one does .
13 The fellows never seemed to rib the other NAAFI girls very much : they joked with them , but not in the same way as they did with Lemon .
14 According to Wittgenstein , for instance , it is a condition of a colour-word , such as ‘ blue ’ , being used meaningfully by a person , that he should have learnt ( been trained ) to react to the things other people call ‘ blue ’ in the same way as they do .
15 In Men of Iron , released in 1935 , Warner Bros attempted to use the steel industry in much the same way as they had earlier used the coal industry .
16 It is important to return the rocks in the same position and up the same way as they were found , as some of the animals will perish if the rock is replaced incorrectly .
17 According to market researchers International Data Corp , a survey of 500 major corporate users showed that although 39% will continue to use their mainframes in the same way as they always have , a massive 61% want to downsize .
18 According to market researchers International Data Corp , a survey of 500 major corporate users showed that although 39% will continue to use their mainframes in the same way as they always have , a massive 61% want to downsize .
19 It is surprising how easy it is for businessmen to assume that other nationalities will react in exactly the same way as they themselves do .
20 The boys play the role of husbands and behave in the same way as they see their fathers do in their respective homesteads .
21 way of categorising the names is to list them by the of medium in much the same way as they are listed ie media guides .
22 If we actually , very quickly , which round the world was meant to be , erm , those of you which are familiar with other countries , what about women in , say America , Ashley , are , are they , do they participate in the same way as they do here ?
23 Girls also tend to take certain subjects at school or university in much the same way as they are segregated into particular jobs .
24 Modules were built in the early 1980s in much the same way as they had been in the late 1960s , with little technical or organizational change .
25 As outpatient clinics developed in local general hospitals , GPs started to refer patients to consultants in exactly the same way as they did for other medical specialties .
26 Again , this volume offers some insights into people who are motivated to move in retirement and how couples , both of whom were in employment , support each other emotionally after retirement in much the same way as they did before .
27 The former were inclined to present their arguments within a mould of imaginary social history which assumed that , in his essence , man is a " unity even though human societies are different ; the latter were preoccupied with classification and were therefore predisposed to distinguish the varieties of mankind in the same way as they were accustomed to distinguish the varieties of animals , birds , plants and insects .
28 Prices will move in exactly the same way as they would move in a world in which buyers and sellers were able to learn from their market experience .
29 However , there is a distinct intensional structure underlying them ( again , the underlining is purely to indicate which P we are interested in , and is not part of our notational system ) : ( 47 ) That is , users of English interpret the relation between the property of the adjective and the word or phrase which instantiates the preceding entity in just the same way as they would interpret the relation between a predicative adjective and the subject in an explicit clause ; it therefore seems reasonable to call adjectives so used clausal adjectives .
30 Nevertheless , the Guidance suggests that local authorities review service provision plans for children in need in the same way as they are required by regulation to review their plans for children they are looking after ( see Chapter 16 , 8 ) .
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