Example sentences of "the first thing i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and one of the great ironies is that when I 'm talking to students about the nature of history , one of the first things I try and say to them is ‘ Look , do n't have this idea that there 's a great bundle of documents lying in an attic , and this is the way that history works , that people make a sensational discovery and then they write a book about it .
2 ‘ My father bought the estate before the war for the milk , not ever intending to go there , but then when the war came we lived there , from about 1942 when I was four and the first things I remember in life were from there . ’
3 ‘ When I realised the ring had probably gone back to England that was one of the first things I checked . ’
4 ‘ One of the first things I had to learn by heart when I went to Maythorpe House was a poem by an Englishman , Laurence Binyon .
5 Well , one of the first things I did on applying for this job was to announce my intention to end the repellent Billy Bullshit column .
6 So one of the first things I did with Clive after hypnotizing him was to ask him simple questions — ‘ What is your full name ? ’ ,
7 The first things I did came a cropper .
8 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
9 The first thing I brought was service .
10 The first thing I thought when I saw myself on video was , ‘ Gosh , do I really look that bad ? ’ ’ confides Kitty , who has the problematic body of your standard middle-aged woman : potbelly , cellulite , stretch marks .
11 The first thing I thought was , ‘ Boy , am I fat . ’ ’
12 The first thing I thought of was that we 'd offended them in some way we did n't know — done a terrible insult to their gods or something .
13 ‘ They knew they had a hell of a battle on their hands and the first thing I stressed was that we had to fight to win the ball — and we did , ’ he said .
14 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
15 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
16 Well , I can tell you something ; I 'm on my own in this house from now on and I shall see to her bathing , and should he attempt to stop me , I 've told him what I 'll do ; I 'll brain him with the first thing I get my hands on .
17 The first thing I had to learn was that my parents ' use of guilt was not for my benefit but for theirs .
18 THE FIRST thing I had to do at the NME was draw a cucumber .
19 But now the first thing I saw were the lines on his face standing out like the lines on a charcoal drawing .
20 Practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train and walked along those roads again was Hairy Back and his dog , the Great Dane .
21 The first thing I saw was a batch of Biggles books , stacked beside several of their Kaiser 's War equivalents , written by a man called Percy F. Westerman .
22 ‘ I think the first thing I saw was the isolation of each .
23 When I came round my head was very bad and the first thing I saw was my father .
24 When I had reached the front , the first thing I saw was Granpa lying on the pavement , his head propped up on a box of apples and his face as white as a sheet .
25 The first thing I sent to London magazine Girl About Town , a light-hearted article about computer dating , was accepted .
26 But the first thing I 've got to say to you here and now is you 're no more capable of keeping a wife than of keeping a — ’ she seemed to search for the word , then brought out , ‘ rabbit .
27 Right , since I 've taken over my territory the first thing I 've seen , I 've got to educate my customers as in paperwork .
28 he had a biscuit with a cup of tea and he said that 's the first thing I 've had to eat
29 Yeah , the first thing I 've ever the first time I 've shaved my legs , I forgot the water .
30 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
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