Example sentences of "the next [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly in the next lines the sun is fading but has not yet disappeared .
2 Can he assure me that the woodlands sold off by the commission will be accessible to all walkers , especially as after the next election a lot of Scottish Labour Members will have a lot of time to do a lot of walking ?
3 I am glad that at the next election the choice will be between conservatism and socialism .
4 At the next election the general is expected to stand in Khon Kaen , in the heart of Esarn .
5 At the next level the detail of a design can be analysed from the point of view of style ; indeed , until the twentieth century this was , with typological analysis , the principal method used in the study of coinage .
6 The next Committee a week later , elected 25 members ( 14 men , 11 ladies ) and learned the land conveyances were complete .
7 For the next hour the fairground gradually filled with people , mainly families with young children or teenagers who had become bored with their tour round the factory and were looking for some excitement .
8 In 1716 the French Almanach Royal for the first time listed the Romanovs as one of the reigning families of Europe , an important recognition of Russia 's new status : during the next generation the completeness and irrevocability of her emergence as a great power was fully brought home to most observers .
9 The next year the ban was lifted on our clubs and Manchester United won the Cup Winners ’ Cup .
10 The next year the Japanese won by two miles .
11 The next year the stock market crash wiped $2.6 billion off the value of Wal-Mart 's shares , and Walton was named ‘ Biggest Individual Loser ’ .
12 For the next year the Republican government was obliged to struggle to reassert its authority .
13 Does the Minister know that while the number of jobs went down and unemployment went up , crime in the county of Leicestershire rose by more than one third over the past 12 months , nearly double the national rate , but the chief constable has said that in the next year the force can spend £1 million less ?
14 Unfortunately , Mother , who was sixty-seven , never really recovered , gradually became worse , and early the next year the doctor said she must go back into hospital for more examinations .
15 The forest of Blackmoor , the largest of the Dorset forests , was disafforested in 1279 , and in the next year the forest of Northumberland , in return for an annual payment of 40 marks , was apportioned among the Forest landowners .
16 For the next forenoon a messenger arrived , sent by Seton at Berwick , with dire news .
17 It is possible that we will see a further slowing of the ageing process as time goes on so that in the next century the experience of being in one 's eighties is more like the experience of being in one 's seventies at the moment .
18 In the next century the practice petered out , though it was still occasionally revived for particularly distinguished visitors , who might expect to have their names recorded on silk or satin rather than plebeian paper .
19 I did n't have long to wait for my first recovery , because the next day a kid arrived at the house carrying the ghastly yellow-coated corpse of a starling .
20 But the next day a conversation with Gerard , the American Ambassador , convinced the Kaiser that the United States would indeed sever diplomatic relations if the sinkings continued , and , abruptly changing his mind , he promised an immediate ban on unrestricted submarine warfare .
21 The next day a Palestinian was shot dead by a soldier in the West Bank village of Salifit after he had refused to show his identity card .
22 The next day a father broke his son 's arm .
23 The next day a motion was signed by members of Parliament from all parties , which led to an Act making the practice illegal in Britain in 1985 .
24 On the next day a pardon was offered to the rebels , who withdrew from the city , although their leader Cade remained under arms , putting himself outside the scope of the pardon , and was killed on 12 July .
25 The next day the fungus had dropped off and there were less white spots .
26 The next day the TV critic of the Express noted that the Telethon had been full of publicity-grabbing TV stars jostling to exploit the programme for their own careers .
27 The next day the wife left Canada with the child and came to live with her parents in England .
28 The next day the idiot of a captain decided to make a run for the open sea .
29 The next day the government declared a curfew from 9 p.m to 4 a.m. , as sporadic rioting and shooting continued .
30 Many a tear was shed that night , and after the minute 's silence at the beginning of the next day the play had an unreal feel to it .
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