Example sentences of "the little [noun sg] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just as I was about to ask further , she went on : ‘ My part — the little part that I had — it is gone … ’
2 But that 's impossible cos the little kid that they bullied did n't even look like Trucky .
3 Pauline , who always had back problems , felt so sorry for the little mare that she took her over from Jackie .
4 The little parade that he witnessed through the steamed window of the Administration block was a wound to him .
5 about the little boy that they think he 's dead
6 and parents begin to give up on you becoming the little genius that they always hoped you 'd turn out to be !
7 In answer to a question from me to that effect , he said in his charming way with the little smile that he wears when replying : " We shall have to look at it . "
8 So infinity just depends on what 's big enough to swamp the little bit that you 're looking at .
9 I smiled to myself as I let in the clutch and moved off I would stop at the shop and tell the little man that he could collect his pans without the slightest fear of being torn limb from limb , but my overriding emotion was one of relief that I had not cut the sparkle out of the big dog 's life .
10 Take him out to dinner , pour champagne down his throat , and later in the evening mention the little titbit that I 'm friends with the Finnish President .
11 It was at the little house that she shared with Ella that Dimity received the proposal of marriage which was to change her life .
12 It was the little radio that they listened to while they were on guard .
13 We 've been thinking over past weeks of the little account that we have in the old testament of the life of Ruth .
14 Everything would be provided , even the underwear , so she did n't need to change ; all that she had to consider was the little ritual that she went through every time .
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