Example sentences of "the [det] [vb -s] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Support for the latter appears to be ebbing , with the Green alliance the likely recipient of much of the protest vote .
2 That the latter seems to be chosen overwhelmingly testifies not to the existence of coercion , but to careful selection procedures for placing persons in corporate positions coupled with successful methods of persuading them that their interests and the corporation 's interests happily coincide — or at least , that that is the most sensible , pragmatic way of looking at it .
3 The simple guilloche decoration of mosaic 7 appears slightly cruder than that of mosaics B or C. The more complicated three-strand guilloche of the former , however , is not significantly inferior to the four-strand guilloche of mosaic C. The former appears to be " stretched " , but then the latter seems to be cramped ( although " loose " ) .
4 The former is used widely in complex projects in the construction and manufacturing industries ; the latter tends to be used in complex , one-off projects or in projects where time or cost are critical .
5 The ‘ spoil-sport ’ is not the same as the false player , the cheat ; for the latter pretends to be playing the game and , on the face of it , still acknowledges the magic circle .
6 The simple guilloche decoration of mosaic 7 appears slightly cruder than that of mosaics B or C. The more complicated three-strand guilloche of the former , however , is not significantly inferior to the four-strand guilloche of mosaic C. The former appears to be " stretched " , but then the latter seems to be cramped ( although " loose " ) .
7 " Functional significance " and " stylistic significance " are equivalent concepts , except that the former tends to be associated with non-literary , and the latter with literary language .
8 The same seems to be true of anxiety .
9 The same seems to be true of vitamins A and E. The best food sources of selenium are fish and whole grains .
10 Unfortunately , the same seems to be true of at least parts of the apparatus of cellular machinery whereby DNA replicates itself , and this applies not just to the cells of advanced creatures like ourselves and amoebas , but also to relatively more primitive creatures like bacteria and blue-green algae .
11 Precisely the same appears to be the case for a numerically much more important group of temporary workers , casual workers .
12 As Lewis and Piachaud point out in their chapter here , unmarried women have traditionally played a significant role in the care of elderly parents and other relatives and the same appears to be true today .
13 It seems , then , that no contrast between syllable-final and exists in RP , and the same appears to be true in relation to and and to and .
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