Example sentences of "the [noun prp] was [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the nineteenth century the Guernsey was described as native to Alderney , Sark and Herm as well as Guernsey and was still kept pure by restrictions on imports .
2 In early October government spokesmen had claimed that the armed forces controlled the south , asserting that the SPLA was split and that its leader , Gen. John Garang , had lost control .
3 When she was two hundred and fifty miles off the coast of Ireland the Athenia was attacked and sunk by a submarine .
4 The Yasa was made when your grandsire and mine both thought that it was a long way from Kinsai to the Eastern Sea , ’ he growled .
5 In November 1970 the CNAA was informed that the NCDAD had written formally to request a joint meeting to explore ‘ interrelationships ’ .
6 The Korup rainforest project in the Cameroon was selected and it was agreed with WWF that the team — Steve Taylor ( UK ) , Martine Lalevee ( France ) , Dave Williams ( UK ) , Jan Buize ( Holland ) , and Simon Tutt ( Thorn EMI , UK ) — should provide the necessary supplies for their project .
7 She set up a fundamental review of the way the NHS was financed and organised .
8 Admittedly war with the USSR was seen as only a distant possibility .
9 The US dollar and the euro-currency markets were the main providers of additional liquidity , and therefore liquidity provided by the IMF was regarded as unnecessary or even potentially inflationary .
10 The cabinet moved into a position of greater power and control unchecked by the legislature , and the Commons was seen as having lost most of its powers because of the informal reality of party in government .
11 It was the greatness of the ancient empire to which the Shah was attracted and with which he constantly compared his own achievements and ambitions .
12 " In a joint Anglo-American paper on the crises , the Shah was described as " well-meaning , naturally well disposed towards Britain and the US , aware of the Communist danger , but vacillating and weak .
13 Furthermore the authority of the UN was involved and this would be undermined by a Soviet-inspired invasion of south Korea .
14 The film of 42nd Street was made in 1933 , the same year as the Apollo was built and can still attract the hardest critics .
15 In March 1981 the SDP was launched and immediately announced that " the present " winner takes all " system of electing MPs is unfair to the voters and opens the door to extremism , whether left or right .
16 There had been many amalgamations , the Transport and General Workers and many other large unions had absorbed small unions to form a formidable barrier to employers , there was less interunion rivalry and the authority of the General Council of the TUC was accepted and practically unchallenged .
17 The Tri-Pacer was disassembled and crated for shipment to London , but ten days before the rally started the container could n't be found .
18 Immediately after the 1983 general election the CPRS was disbanded and I very much doubt it will ever be resurrected .
19 a proposed meeting between officers of the Board and the LEA was cancelled as the county council had no clear policy over adult educational provision and the only result of the proposal was confirmation of the LEA 's existing policy of specific grant-aid .
20 The Kildalton Masonic Lodge No. 552 held their annual election , then the Lodge was closed and the brethren marched in procession by torch light through the village .
21 The geology of the Shetlands was revised and work on the Outer Hebrides is in progress .
22 Shortly after dawn a party of Germans entered a railway carriage at Compiègne and by the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month , the Armistice was signed and the war was over .
23 The house of the Fleece was timbered and dark and beetle-browed on the side next the street , with jutting upper storeys and shuttered windows .
24 G. A. Smith was among the first to give up , going to work with Urban on developing his new colour process ; Haggar retired in 1909 to run his own cinema ; Williamson curtailed the production of dramatic comic films after his standing contract with the UA was cancelled and directed his energies into educational filmmaking to escape ‘ the horrible nightmare of having my business directed by outsiders . ’
25 The Regent was surrounded and captured .
26 The advice of the IMS was accepted and their advisers were retained during the early stages of planning and development to provide guidance .
27 Japan 's security treaty with the USA was reported as being one of a number of issues upon which full agreement had yet to be reached .
28 Life has perked up a bit since The Grange was sold and we moved to Brighton .
29 The European Court binds all English courts on all matters relating to the Treaties by which the EC was formed and EC legislation .
30 Following its accident the QED was repaired but flew little until the 1938 Bendix race , when George Armistead was forced out by an oil-line problem .
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